I: Oversights

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I: Oversights

Third POV
*Graphic Content Ahead*

The astringent scent of cigar smoke filled the dark office.

Thick black curtains were drawn to keep the sunset hues out, but the cascading darkness of the room was almost too much tension to bear.


And the four people that stared at the family of three, two of which were on the ground and petrified.

The four that surrounded them were dressed professionally.

Pressed pencil skirts and lint-less suits.

Which was good.

'Dress to kill' was the saying, no?

The guns or small automatic switchblades they had safely tucked away in three out of the four people could complete the job at hand.

A wipe out job.

Common in the mob underworld.

The last of the four was perched on his mahogany desk, smoking his cigarette calmly as he stared at the family on the ground beneath him.

"Only one was the target." He muttered, his Carmine eyes inspected, not bothering to look at the other two, "I assumed even you three could handle that much."

He let out another sigh, watching rings of smoke wafted through the air.

Katsuki Bakugo.

The twenty-six year old with a pale Adonis face of little scars and never failed to carry an etched look of boredom, with very occasional amusement. His pale blond hair was slicked upwards from his face and a cigarette was lovingly wedged between his lips.

He took a thick swallow, eyeing both his own people and his target in the room.

"Well?" Katsuki's brutish voice broke through the already thick tension.

None of his own people responded, drawing his attention back to the couple and their only child on the ground.

"We caught him with his bitch and his pup." A voice finally spoke out, making Katsuki take a quick glance at the obvious prime omega that had his head bowed so low Katsuki was sure he was seconds away from being buried.

"Yosetsu Awase." Katsuki spoke again, pulling away from his cigar, "Run by me again."

"Where is my money, now?

The sound of the chamber clicking to his pistol was the only thing that had sounded in Katsuki's office after he asked his question.

"P-please..." the Alpha of the couple, Yosetsu Awase, has finally mustered out, incredibly fearful of his life now that time came to pay his dues, "I-I don't have it, but if you'd give me more time-,"

"No." Katsuki coldly stated, his eyes narrowing, "I will not."

"I don't like giving people allowances, and you of all people should know that. If I keep giving you fuckers more time, you all start to think I'm going soft and I won't follow my word."

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