IX: Plans

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IX: Plans

Third POV

Izuku stayed quiet in the backseat of Katsuki's black convertible.

Akiko slept peacefully in his arms, considering there was no car seat, as Izuku could only take periodic glances at the man who gripped his steering wheel tight.

Izuku didn't know why, but when Katsuki had came to give Akiko to him so the little pup could meet their grandmother, Katsuki received a phone call from Kirishima.

Things just spiraled down from there.

A shame too, as Izuku watched Akiko's closed eyes seem to move quickly, knowing the little girl couldn't have been deep in her sleep.

Izuku still wanted to ask about retrieving Akiko's Pozy, but it was obvious Katsuki wasn't feeling generous to give up his time to drive to his apartment.

So he kept quiet and to his corner.

• • •

By the time they arrived back to the estate, Katsuki seemed more irritated than when they left the mall.

"Get out." Is all the prime alpha had said, clicking his tongue and not even bothering to look at Izuku.

"R-right." Izuku chirped out, instinctively holding Akiko closer to his chest as he got out of his seat and snatched his bags of clothes and other necessities.

The second he shut the door, Katsuki sped off and out of the estate's driveway and back to the main road, before disappearing from sight.

"Welcome back," Uraraka's voice sounded from behind him, standing by the front entrance of the manor, "I take it you had a good time shopping?"

Izuku nodded, walking forward and politely thanking the woman who took the bags from his hand so he could adjust Akiko.

A refreshing blast of conditioned air hit Izuku, in comparison to the warm of the late June breeze.

"Honestly, I just can't wait to shower and wear something new," Izuku stated, in a somewhat excited tone, suddenly feeling shifting in his arms.

Just like that.

Akiko was awake.

Her dove green eyes were somewhat bloodshot as she puckered her lips and tried to readjust.

Izuku followed Uraraka to the upstairs where the primary bedroom was located, and it was only after she had placed the bags down did Izuku ask a question.

"Hey, Uhm, I had a question," Izuku chimes up, looking at Uraraka who had a warm look on her face, "I was wondering if I could go back to my old apartment to get some things?"

Uraraka's brows furrowed, tapping her chin, "Unfortunately, I'm not the one who makes that call."

"That's up to Bakugo to decide and he is not in a pleasant mood at the moment due to work issues, so it's likely he'll flat out tell you no."

Izuku placed Akiko onto the bed, stroking her hair as the girl was still trying to adjust to being awake, "Work issues? Like?"

Uraraka tilted her head, giving him a look, "That's classified."

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