Part 24: Your unicorn is gorgeous

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 Jungkook's POV

"Jungkook, thanks for allowing me to come over and talk with you," my friend says. It's quite a few years and I'm glad that he reached out.

"What's this Jungkook stuff? We go way back, Jae."

"I didn't want to assume anything, Kookie," he says with the gentle emergence of a smile. His smile had always come easy but this evening he's guarded.

"That's better. So, how can I help you?"

"I'm just going to say it. I need your help. Well, my company does." Jae's always been brilliant, no matter the subject in school. He always wanted to change the world and one day he'll do it or maybe he already has.

 He always wanted to change the world and one day he'll do it or maybe he already has

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"Kookie, I'm concerned." I lean forward.

"How so, Jae?"

"We're trying to fight off being taken over by Triton. You know who they are and you know what that means."

"Yes, unfortunately I do." Triton is our biggest competitor. " I hear their tactics are terrible." Jae nods and continues.

"They break companies apart and sell them off piece by piece, like trading Pokemon cards. Most importantly, employees will lose their jobs."

"The Jeon Corporation doesn't work like that." I assure him.

"Yes, Kookie. And that's why I'm here. We're a small company with a little over 100 employees. And many of them have been with us since the beginning." His eyes look sad and heavy. One thing I know about Jae

is that he is sincere. "I'm talking about employees with families, kids in college, small children, and sick parents. You know how hard it is to be without employment today. We have several employees close to retirement. Who's going to hire them? They'll lose their benefits if Triton acquires us." This is a very bleak situation, and it happens too often.

"Jae, I'm sorry to hear that. But what do you think I can do for you?"

"I know our company is smaller than the companies the Jeon Corporation acquires, but I'm suggesting an acquisition," he says.

"Why would we do that? I can't get involved based on an old relationship, Jae. It has to be good business for us." We'd only acquire a company like Jae's if he's offering something the tech market hasn't seen. A game changer.

"I know, Kookie. But what we bring to the table is innovative software that I developed. If Triton takes us over, they'll get their hands on it. I know that Triton is your biggest competitor. Trust me, Kookie, you don't want this getting into their hands. It's a different type of product for you." Now he has my interest, but I need to know more. I also have to tread lightly here. What we do can be brutal and doing business like acquiring a company is something Namjoon and I never do with a friend, even one like Jae.

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