Part 89: Not my problem

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Jungkook's POV:

"Kookie, Baek and Ivory are coming to visit so I hope you're present," Tae says. "Baek is helping me with my wedding planning." His smile goes big and boxy.

"Oh, that's nice, Tae but it's Thursday evening," I exclaim.

"Kookie, I know it's Xbox night for you and JJ. Just come and hang out for a bit with us."

"I'd like to but my little brother called earlier and said he was coming to hang out and play video games with us. But don't worry, I'll come and greet him. I'm sure Ivory will be wherever JJ is." Tae smiles wickedly.

"Oh, Chany's coming. That's nice, maybe he'll finally ask Baek out." Oh God, not this again.

"Tae, Chany's coming to do some serious gaming. He's not even thinking about Baek. If it's meant to be, those two will get together. Uh, did you make some of those pizza bites for our game night?" I smile.

"Don't I always?" Tae says.

"Thanks, Tae." We seem to be getting back to normal family life. I think everything is going well. Tae's had a few sessions with his therapist, and I enjoy hearing the parts that he's able to share. The plan is for me to join them in a few sessions and I'm open to that. He's excited about the wedding and so am I. The door chimes and I let Chany in. He greets Tae and I quickly take him down to the game room before he starts talking. Chany loves to talk.

JJ set's up the game and, just as we are about to start, I hear voices and laughter upstairs.

"Oh, is that Baek and uh, Ivory I hear upstairs?" Chany asks. I look at him with a glint of suspicion.

"Yes, it is," I say. "Wait a minute, did you come over to see me and JJ or did you come over to drool over Baek?" I say.

"What? I-I didn't know they were coming, and I can't believe you'd—"

JJ barks out a loud laugh. "Dude, you just got caught! Ivory told me he talked to you earlier and he told you that he and Baek were coming over to visit." I just shake my head in disgust.

"Pathetic," I mumble.

"Well, I uh, guess it would be rude if we didn't go and say hi, right?"

"Oh no, we wouldn't want to do be rude," I say. "Chany, just ask him out so you can stop all your little covert operations to see him."

JJ snorts out a laugh. "That's a good one Kookie."

"I-I'm working my way up to it. And I'm going to ask him out tonight."

"Yeah, right." JJ chuckles.

"Whatever, dude," I say. "Look, we keep it short like no more than 10 minutes and then I'm going to kick your ass on Xbox." JJ continues to laugh. "It's Xbox night and the last thing JJ and I want are other non-players trying to intrude. I will kill you if you invite Tae or Baek to play! Ivory's gotten better so I'll tolerate him." Even JJ nods. He knows how sacred Xbox Thursday is.

"Oh no, I'd never do that, dude," Chany says.

"I love Tae," JJ says in agreement, "but he can't play for shit, and he'll keep whining and asking questions. This is gamers night. No non gamers allowed."

"That's right. Tae has his yoga room and JJ and I have our gamer man cave. Don't fuck it up dude."

"No, never," Chany says. Just then Ivory comes down to the lower level.

"Hi guys," Ivory says almost bouncing over.

"Hey,' I say as JJ rushes over to hug him and gives him a peck on his lips.

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