Part 60: Little hooker senses

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As soon as the conference room door shuts, Lisa pins me with a fiery look.

"Jungkook, why didn't you tell me that your dad was being threatened?! Tae didn't tell me that."

"That's because I asked him not to."

"What the fuck, Jungkook."

"Lisa, please calm down."

"Why did he refuse security? He's in danger and you need to do something!"

"Lisa, I can't make him take security. I talked with him and so did Chanyeol. He says he could take care of himself. I certainly see how that stubborn Jeon gene didn't spare him." I chuckle and Lisa's eyes narrow as she grits her teeth, cutting off my laugh.

"This isn't funny. He could get hurt!" Lisa shouts.

"Lisa, he might be more capable than you think he is. But if that's a concern, you need to talk to your boyfriend," I reply, holding down my smile. Wow, she really cares about dad. Not that I'm surprised but they might have a future together and I love that.

"Lisa, he was quite the boxer in his day and—"

"Yes! In...His...Day...! Well, I'll just have to talk him into it!" A chuckle erupts from me.

"Well, good luck with his stubborn ass. He's so macho. I'm glad I'm not like that."

"Bitch, please," Lisa says rolling her eyes. She then pulls in three long breaths. "Okay, I'm sorry. I will talk to him. Let's move on. So, I now have the flash drive and a ton of other information. I'll have to review it and then run my own background information."

I pull to the edge of my seat, eager to hear how we deliver some justice to these fuckers.

"Jungkook, we have his recorded voice setting up the deal with this Daesung scum to commit a crime. We also have Chany and Ivory as witnesses. Option one is I can call a meeting with the Chief of police and turn over the evidence. Triton Teoki and Daesung are both arrested, and we're done."

"Hell, no Lisa! These two assholes have hurt a lot of people."

"Settle down, Jungkook. That was just option one. I was hoping you wanted to go further, and you know I'm your girl for that. Even I have a stake in this. I've never had children or would dare myself to even dream about it. But for some reason, Ivory feels like the closest thing to having a child to me. So, this is personal."

"Sure, it is. Jin was devastated and still scared. What Triton has done to Jae and Hobi was despicable."

"So, you want to hurt him?"

"Badly," I say and divert my eyes as an undeniable rage burns in my veins.

"Okay, we're going deep." Lisa starts to gather her things to leave. "One more thing. Why didn't Triton Teoki expose Tae's history?"


"Triton Teoki. Why didn't he expose Tae's past to hurt you? That would have been his best play. That's bigger than any of the other shit. He doesn't know that you and Tae don't give a fuck about that. Why not play that card?" Her eyes hold a question.

"I don't know. Maybe he missed it." I say dismissively.

"Bullshit! He didn't miss it. Evil is always smart, unfortunately. There's something we're missing." Lisa pushes her back into her chair and moves her head from side to side as she seems to be thinking.

"What do you mean Lisa?"

"Do you know him personally?"

"Fuck no!"

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