Fear of Isolation (M+C)

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The Cablecar station is lonely as hell, Josh doesn't let anybody besides his family and friends in. it's a good thing I'm one of his best friends! I'm all alone, sitting on the bench waiting for the others to arrive, but of course I'm early and their late, for once I'm actually early? That or they are already up the mountain, and I'm Hella late.

Talking to myself in my head isn't going to get anywhere, I might as well just ride the cablecar up the mountain and then see what I can do up there.. but I don't know. I hate being by myself, another minute can't hurt.

The seconds tick by on my phone, and I'm just bored as fuck. How long has it been already?

"40 seconds.."

I mumble in annoyance, I'm not patient.

I stand up and snatch my phone from the bench, I turn around and go towards the cablecsr but I hear something behind me. I turn around and I can see somebody walking up the trail, a puffy blue jacket hugs their chest.. Chris!

"Mike! Is that you?!"

Chris calls up as I run up to him, giving him a high five.

"Yeah Chris it's me, thank God somebody else is here I'm going to die of boredom."

"Okay Mike, whatever you say."

We both smile weird as hell, the awkwardness is tense in the air and I need something to say to him.

"So Chris.. you still uh- gotta thing for ashley?"

I tease Chris about his crush, I haven't heard about them getting together yet but it's just funny to make fun of him for never making a move on her.

Chris turns red and smiles, he looks a little nervous so I don't want to push him to hard.

"Yeah well, I'm not to sure.. I haven't talked to ash in a while but I'm trying you know?"

I nod my head to Chris, but I can't relate. I'm Micheal Munroe, if I want a date I get one. People just can't

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