Bro Breakfast (MK + CH)

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Sorry for dying guys 😞 my inspiration is dead af, BUT!! Ima try to write more


Mike stood in his bathroom, tearing the room apart as he searched for every last bit of cologne as he could.

Mike had a date tonight, but he was nervous as hell. There was something about Chris, but he never bothered to make a move. So Chris ended up catching Mike as he was sizing Chris up, oh how humiliating.

Chris found it funny though, and now here Mike is. Spritzing cologne onto his neck like there's no tomorrow.

Only 1 other person knew about this, it was Sam. She wasn't to good with dating stuff, but at least she didn't tell anybody his secrets.

Mike checked himself out in the mirror. He had fixed his hair, and made sure his shirt collar was neat, and he polished his shoes. This has to be good right? Totally.

One minute later Mike found himself running to his phone, calling Sam.

"Pick up, pick up.." Mike muttered.

The dial tone played and Sam spoke.

"Hello...?" Sam said in a tired voice.

"Sam! Thank goodness, okay so. I have everything ready, I know what I want to talk about and I'll take him out in my car, since mom and dad aren't home until the weekend I-"

"Dude- its eight in the morning. Can't this wait? I'm a heavy sleeper."

Mike forgot not to many people were awake at this time, this was more of going out for breakfast rather than a date.

I guess one could say Mike and chris weren't having a date, just a conversation. No words were said, Chris was just friendly to Mike.

Is it a date?

"Hellooo? Earth to Mike?" Sam said in a louder voice.

"Ah- yeah, yeah I'm here. So.. no tuxedo?"

"No tuxedo." Sam chuckled as she hung the phone up, leaving Mike alone again.

"Don't screw this up mike.."


Mike pulled into the driveway of the best breakfast place he could afford, his job payed an okay amount of money as of right now.

"You're gonna scare everybody inside." Chris said, trying not to laugh.

"Why? Do I look bad?"

"No, but you smell like deodorant. Like body spray kind of deodorant."

"Shit.. I was just- overprepared! Is it a crime to be clean?"

"Whatever you say, Man."

Mike exited the car and so did Chris, the two walked inside to see only a small wait until they got seated.

Mike cleared his throat and leaned against the wall, trying to play it cool.

"So.. you happy to I'm taking you out?"

"Yeah, man. I appreciate it." Chris smiled.

"Cool," Mike smiled back, "REAL cool."

Chris could sense how akward Mike was, and it was definitely because of last weeks little incident.

Chris hushed his voice a little before talking.

"Mike, just because you're embaressed doesn't mean you have to act all.. weird. If you liked my ass you should have just told me so." Chris joked, with a hint of sincerity to it.

"I-" Mikes face heated up as the embaressment hit him in the back of the head, he was really being confronted by Chris. How did Mike get here?

"Let's just eat breakfast, and maybe if you're NOT a total weirdo.. we can 'hang out' in a parking lot or something."

"You're the boss." Mike fought a blush.

(Twinky bitch ass Mike)

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