Prom King (MK+CH)

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Short chapter bc I forgot how to write


Chris watched the Prom happen from outside the gym, he looked through the window of the door was he admired but everybody had.

But chris wasn't able to do that, nobody wanted him.

Chris fell agaisnt the door and held his head in his palms, thinking as to why he even showed up.

Chris wanted to ask Ashley out, but she moved last year. Chris has got over that by now, but it means he's lonely.

Beth wasn't his type, and Hannah wanted Mike. That leaves Sam, and Mike.

Mike was.. good-looking. Strong. Handsome. Looked amazing. Smelled amazing.

"Okay Chris don't be a perv.." The blonde mumbled.

And for sam, she was pretty. And that's it.

The door opened next to chris, and she flinched with shock. But instead of some random person, it was Mike.

Mike immediately notices Chris on the ground, and was startled as well.

"Chris? What are you doing, man?" Mike asked.

"Just.. sitting out. Prom isn't for me."

"You sure? I mean, really anybody would be wil-"

"The only reason they would go with me is because im your friend, Mike." Chris started, "Nobody wants to be with me."

Chris had tears around his eyes, and Mike didn't know how to comfort him.

"I'm sure there's.. someone- who would want to."

"You're making it sound like nobody wants me!" Chris sobbed into his arms.

Mikes face went red with embaressment, he serioulsy didn't know how to to this.

"I-I would go with you?"

"What...?" Chris lifted his head up.

"My girlfriend dumped me like- two weeks ago. We can dance, like bros or something?"

Chris chuckled, "There's no way you would do that- it's embaressing."

Mike knelt down, "And? It's senior year, who gives a fuck? Im class prez, if anybody gives two shits all I have to do is make them carry my stuff around until the end of the year."

Chris wiped his tears and smiled.

"What would make you even dance with me?" Chris asked.

"Because you would be a good Prom King- I think."

"Pfft- as if.. I'm not able to do any of that shit."

"Well.. you can think what you want. But, the main point is that you're okay."

Chris smiled, Mike had a smile as well.

"I'm sorry for taking this so.. unprofessional. It's just a dance-"

"Chris, shut up. People get mad all the time, don't talk like that."

Chris rolled his eyes, only to look back to see Mike sitting down next to him.

"Thanks for making me feel better, I appreciate it man."

"Its all good, Chris. Anytime."

The two fell into silence, Chris couldn't think of what to say so he just gently moved his hand towards mikes, touching his pinky with his own.

Mike hesitated to hold Chris' hand, but eventually he let his hand slide fully to Chris', holding his hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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