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The lodge fire raged, I could feel the heat even in the cold snow, how the hell would it even be put out.. just better hope it doesn't burn down all the shrubbery.

The screech of the wendigo was made when it died, an orange hue of a skull blasted out the door and scared Mike and Sam pretty well.

The sounds of a helicopters voters were audible, we all turner and looked up to see the lights scanning around for us, for once this dumb fucking night will be over! Mike and Sam haven't brought Josh back.. did he burn in the lodge? I have no clue, I hope he's okay.

I hope everybody's okay, we are all shocked up and this hell of a night can end.

The helicopter lights shined on us as it hovered over each of us, we came together as a ladder dropped from the helicopter, Emily took the lead and began to climb it. Mike and everybody followed, surprisingly Sam was the last, she let everybody go before herself.

I climbed into the helicopter, a man helped me up as the pilot held us steady so we could finish loading up. I thanked him and sat down on the rows of seats, next to Mike.

Mikes lip was cut, and his neck was bleeding from a gash, he also had a dark eye from where he had been fighting wendigoes off with. I'm lucky to have only gotten away with a bruise to my head and a bloody nose.

"Chris, you're staring."

Mike says, I didn't realize I was just looking at how beat up he was, such a stupid thing on my end.

"Oh shit- sorry Mike. I'm just out of it, with this night and everything."

"Yeah I get it.. we can finally get out of this hell hole. Isn't that good?"

Mike put on a weak smile, I could see right through it and tell that he didn't want to be happy, he just couldn't let anybody down in here.

The silence grew quiet, and the loudness became clear as everybody started blabbing about what happend, Sam told everybody Hannah was a wendigo and we were shooken, and I mean my jaw dropped.

Mike seemed unphased, he was probaly there with Sam when they got there.

Sam also said something about a journal, and emily added in about Beth's dead body in the mines. I cant fucking listen to this, im going to be sick.

We all look beat up, the pilot was taking us back to the main land, but we made it until dawn, the longest 10 hours of my life.

The person who helped us up the ladder came around with a first aid kit, starting with Mike since his stomach had a slash in it, he would need gauze and alcohol all over that so he didn't get an infection.

Then he went onto all the other people, examining us carefully but we weren't bad at all.

Suddenly the pilot slowed down, and when we asked what it was she said we had to stop again.

An orange light glowed on the side of the mountain, and when we approached it was two people!

The pilot dropped the ladder, and the first person weakly climbed up, having difficultys. But the person underneath them helped by holding them steady.

We were surprised to see Jessica pop her head up against the side of the helicopter climbing inside, she had bruises and cuts all over her face, and when we pulled her up they covered her legs and shoulders as well.

Matt followed behind her, only having a slash on his face and coat, glad am I to see our heads count rise to 7.

Jessica had urgent care done, she had to get everything disinfected or else she would be fatally injured, just the thought had me uncomfortable.

Mike seemed to sense something was wrong, so he started talking.

"Listen Chris, we went through hell but we are going home alright? All of us are here and-"

"Wheres josh?"

"Chris- Josh isn't coming.. the wendigo took him."

My heart dropped, did this mean he was dead?! Josh was my bestfriend since 5th grade, and he's gone now. I know what he did tonight was wrong but our bond is bigger than that, alot bigger.

"Shit.. can't we go back for him?"

"Its to late, he's either dead, or dying right now. I'm sorry but it's the truth."

Mike was right, a pit in my stomach crumbled as I knew there was nothing we could do for him.

"Do you think we are going to the police station or something? I doubt there just going to let us go willy nilly Mike."

"Probaly, get ready to be talking for hours. I would get some sleep now If I were you."

Mike was right once again, I closed my eyes and layed my head against the wall, slowly feeling it drift to mikes shoulder, but instead of Mike moving away he let me rest there, which made me calmer.




Chris fell asleep on me, I don't feel like moving him so he can stay there. Emily keeps glaring at me, I feel bad for whipping out the gun on her in the safe room, but I wasn't thinking straight, she has to understand.

The groups talking continued, we had to talk as much as possible until we were separated to be interrogated, who knows when that would start.

Jessica seems like she loved through hell, and Matt is just confused. He has  no clue what happend until like half an hour ago he says, he met up with jess and they escaped together.

My cuts burn but the pain goes down by the minute, I just want to sleep in a bed already. Sam looks scared still, she'd tapping her leg as she talks and she clearly got the shit scared out of her back there, poor girl.

For now, I guess we can't change the future. Blackwood mountain is off my bucket list, now the next thing is sleep.

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