Last Night (M+C)

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I'm not good at this kinda writing give me a break 😭😭





My eyes felt really heavy, weighing them closed so I didn't have to wake up at all. I wouldn't mind that.

I yawned, stretching my arms out, but I felt them brush up against something, what is it?

I opened my eyes and looked over, there layed Mike facing me snoring like a baby.

Last Night was fun.


I took a second to admire Mike, his cave had the perfect little beard, and such a hot, handsome face.

His hair was a dark-ish brunette, I've his hair color. His hair does this little swoop, and it's so cute.

I run my hand against mikes cheek in an attempt to wake him up, he just mumbled and scooches away.

"You can have it your way you little prick, just not today."

I grabbed my pillow and whacked his chest, he groaned in annoyance and peaked at what I was doing.

"chris.. what time is it..?"

"Time for you to wake up."


I smiled and gently began to shake Mike, annoying him so he can wake up.

"Okay Okay Chris- I get the memo."

Mike rubbed his eyes and then sat up, the blanket fell off his chest and I was flashed with his bare chest, oh my gosh.

The sight is amazing, he us hand crafted by God's. Literal God's.

Mike Munroe is a wet dream, everybody wants him.

"You just gonna look at me or.."

"Oh shit- My bad."

A blush flooded my cheeks, a mixture of embaressment and flustered.

"No need fo apologize Chris, I'm yours now and you can look as long as you want."

Mikes words wrapped me into a tight situation, I was wrapped around his finger at this point.

We have been dating for like 2 weeks but boy am I already obsessed with him, my handsome boyfriend.

Last night wasn't as bad as this scene looks, we watched a movie together in my room and we both got bored so we started making out.

Normal right?

I'm still in my clothes, Mike insisted on taking his shirt off which I didn't argue with. At least it's a test to see if I  got blood flowing downstairs, which I definitely do.

Mike grabbed his pillow and Smacked my face, ow.

"Hey- what was that for?!"

"You hit me earlier."

"No fair."

"Deal with it."

I didn't deal with it.

I had my pillow in hand, so I just had to smack Mike with it again. I hit him right in the face, he grinned and used his pillow to smack me again.

"We can go all day mike."

"I can go all day in another way...~"


"You killed the moment."

"i was so close to.."

"Barely, you stutter to much Chris."

"You flirt to much."

"Shut up"

"And kiss me?"

I played it very smoothly of course, I have everybody falling for me right now. And by that it's an actual wonder as to how I'm dating Mike, no clue at all.

"Slick, I'll give you whatchu want."

Mike grabbed me by the legs and dragged me closer to him, he had me giggling like an idiot.

I wrapped my legs around his waist, and he crawled on top of me.

My ass was a foot away from his Crotch, I might actually explode. I haven't thought about sex really- but Mike always seems to reference it.

Mike brings his lips to mine, his body heat Is taking its toll on me. I kiss back with passion, closing my eyes and running a hand down mikes chest, getting a quick shutter out of him.

I trace the details with my fingers, running them along his bare chest. I can outline his abs and his muscles, shit this is perfect..

Mike pulls out from the kiss, and moves his mouth towards my neck, gently kissing the skin down towards my shoulder, and back up again.

I whine at the smallest touch Mike gives me, I'm like an animal denied of its sex rights.

"Shit mike.. you're so good at this"

"Speaking of being good, will you be a good boy and stay still? I'm trying to give a hickey here dumby."

I nod In response, trying to be still. I feel Mike nibble at a part of my neck, those nibbles tuen into light bites and small sucks.

The skin there feels sensitive, so I take a few messy breaths, the feeling is to good for me to even work properly.

I run my other hand through mikes hair, feeling how soft it is. How does he do it? He's like the most messy sleeper, yet never gets bed head.

Speaking of bed head, I would give Mike some.

Mikes kisses get an 'oooh' out of me as he finally pulls off the hickey, my neck feels the tension of the bruising skin.

Mike placed his hand on my shirt.

"Can I take this off?"

"Yeah, go ahead"

Mike smirked and pulled my shirt upwards, I helped him and tucked my arms in so he can pull it off easier.

Once it was off I felt more free, my skin could show to Mike, he was definitely checking me out.

Mike bit his lip a little as he scanned my body build, I didn't have as much body strength as he did but I'm in shape.

"You're so handsome Chris, I'm so glad you're mine, my handsome boy."

Mikes words stirred up inside of me, my face was hot as hell and I was probaly red all over.

"I could say the same about you Mike, you're beautiful."

Mike smiled, then he leaned back down to my lips and kissed me, this time I could feel the brim of his tounge on my lips, trying its best to not just slip in and mess my mouth up.

I ran my hands up mikes chest, gently grazing his nipples with my thumbs, getting a gentle moan out of him.

Maybe we can get intimate, who knows.

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