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Me and Sam walked away from the heavy metal door we just locked, letting the wendigos crispy body rot.

I'm glad she came and saved me, I'm not to sure if I would have made it out without Sam.

"So.. back to finding Josh right?"

"You know it."

I led the way, going through the small tunnels and gaps, looking back occasionally to check on Sam.

"Just a little longer Mike, then the police will get here and we can go home."

"Thats if we get Josh and get outta here, I don't like wasting time"

"Pull your pants up mike, don't be like that. We just gotta stay safe and we'll make it, I belive it."

I had a small smile, Sam's hopefulness tucked my doubt away, and I considered us leaving now.

"I'm sure you miss Josh don't you, he's like.. really close with you Sam."

"Well I thought we were.. after what he did today I doubt I can look at him the same way."

"I know what you mean.. but he's not right in the head, we know this. It's not all his fault, he can't make proper decisions and shit."

"Yeah.. but will the police really excuse him with the mental illnesses he has? He put all of us in danger, and he punched Ashley, that's a charge.

I thought about what Sam was saying and I bit my lip a little nervously, would Emily tell the police I almost shot her? I would think so, shit I could go to jail..

"Yeah um- what about.. like threats? Did he say anything to you that was really rude, scary, you know."

I asked this just to get info on myself, not Josh. I want to see if I can be charged or sentenced to something, I haven't been the smartest guy today.

"Well.. he tried to gas me out but I had to hit him with the baseball bat he had in the basement, other than that he didn't do much."

"Alright.. alright I see."

"You good Mike? You seem.. tense."

"Nobody's good Sam, we have killer wendigoes after us."


We turned a corner and saw a small lake, it would take only a minute to cross, not bad.

"Well, should we cross?"

I asked Sam, turning my head to her.

"Well.. it's better than giving up."

Sam was right, this is a dead end unless we go through the water, it's the smart choice.

I went in first, dipping my feet in and the cold water sent shivers through my legs, but I pushed through it and hopped down, the water splashing on my chest.

The water was up to my lower body, just under my pecs by like 5 inches.

"Shit.. fucking cold ass water.."

Sam followed behind, hopping in and 'oooh'ing at how cold It was, shaking her hands a little.

"Better start moving, can't let hypothermia get us."

I said to Sam as I pushed through the cold water, she was behind me and I led the way through the lake, it was hard to walk but it was manageable.

"Which way do we go?"

We could go straight, but there was also a small left turn, who knows where whe should turn.

"Left, let's go come on."

We turned left, and finally reached the other side.

I lifted my body up out the water, then climbed up onto the edge of the rock. I turned around and gave Sam a hand, pulling her out the water.

We both turned and looked at where we have crossed, there was a sal cave entrance but rocks blocked it off, a few feet away as a old book laying on the floor.

"What the.."

Sam walked over and picked it up, and read it to herself quietly.

"Holy shit mike.. Hannah survived the fall! It says here that.. Beth didn't make it though-"

"Hannah made it?"

I was a little surprised, I would think that much time without them being found is confusing, I would have assumed the wendigoes killed them but it looks like hannah didn't get caught.

"The book says they fell, off a ledge. How come the police never looked down in the mines?"

"I guess the odds aren't high for then to have ran off into the mines, they must have skimmed over the idea."

Sam kept reading, I peered over her shoulder and read as much as I could.

The final page was damaged and only read 'HUNGRY HUNGRY HUNGRY'

"Mike.. it says Hannah ate Beth to not starve.. do you think Hannah got.."

"Got possessed by the wendigo? Yeah.. Hannah's probaly one of those damn things."

"Oh my God mike.. how will we tell josh?"

"We won't be able to tell Josh if we don't find him, now hurry up let's go!"

I grabbed Sam's arm and led her back to the lake, we have to get Josh and leave, I've seen enough in these mines.

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