Blind Date (M+C)

6 0 7





And of course, out of all the places I could have been set up, Sam picked a coffee shop. I get that it's quiet and nice, but it's so typical.

Let's pretend that Sam DIDNT set me up without reason, and I actually had freewill coming here.

Spoilers, I didn't.

Who the hell is coming anyways? She better be hot..

They were supposes to get here almost 10 minutes ago, let me text Sam


(No clue, maybe he stood you up)




(Yes mike?)

[Is my date a guy.]


[Don't lie to me.]

(My phones at 2% brb)


Andddd great, left on read. Sam's trying to hook me up with a boy. Probaly.

Jesus, PLEASE prevail and give me a cute girl, not some drug addicted boy, AND PLEASE DONT LET IT BE JOSH.

I hesitated for another minute, when the doors finally opened somebody stepped inside, they had a hoodie so I couldn't see well, but once they turned my way it was Hella obvious.










I looked away from my phone and saw chris looking right at me nervously, I had the same look and he slowly came up to me.

"Mike.. are you here cause the uh- date thing?"


"Emily made me do it, it was a dare, don't get ideas or anything."

Chris sat down in the seat in front of me, I had a booth so we had a little privacy cause of walls, and we were close to the bathroom anyways.

"So.. mike."


"How's your day been?"

"Its been alright, I think."



Okay, this isn't working at all. How do I make small talk..

"Do you have gossip or like any recent news?"

"Nope, only thing on my mind right now is why they set us up."

"For real, am betrayed me, her ass is so done next time I see her."

"When I see Emily? I'm going to burn all her bags."

"Ooh, risky move, I would pay to see that."

At least me and Chris are pretty close, otherwise this would be double the akward.

"Mike.. would you ever um- want to get with a guy?"

"Well- I.."

Chris had a small blush, it wasn't common sense to notice Chris was into me, just the thought gave me a small blush of my own.

"Well, I guess it all depends. But for the short answer, probaly."

"Right, just asking, you know?"

"Yeah, don't worry."


Me and Chris ordered two coffees, well. One coffee, one coco.

Coffee is for losers, hot chocolate Is where it's at, nothing compares at all to the glory we call hot coco.

"Hey mike, you have any college plans or anything?"

"Well, im a student but I keep missing classes, it's hard to keep up."

"I know what you mean."

My phone buzzed again, I checked it quickly.

(Did you guys bang yet?)

[Actually jump]



(Is he cute?)

[How am I supposed to know?]

(Use your eyes)

[Maybe, I don't know.]

(Well, maybe just kiss him and see.)

[Goodnight 💀]

Chris was actually a little cute though, whenever we talked about something he was interested in he would talk with his hands, it was really sweet.

I decided to make a move, I scooched my leg forwards and brushed it agaisnt his, starting at his ankle going up and down his calf, the whole time I smirked as I listened to him talk.

Chris had a blush, I had one as well.



"Can we.."


I already knew what Chris wanted, I exited the booth and he followed, instantly we went into the bathroom.

I locked the door behind us, then I turned around to face Chris with his flushed face.

"Kiss me.."


I pushed Chris against the tiled wall, holding onto his sides as I brung my lips to his, giving him a long and passionate kiss to get the feel for him first.

Chris wrapped his arms around my back, and kissed me back with as much passion as I gave him.

I kept relentlessly kissing him, this wasn't just a blind date, this was something new.

I trailed kisses up and down his neck, meanwhile Chris held my head close as I treated him just right, the moment couldn't be changed any better.

I slid my tounge inside of Chris's mouth, exploring a bit of him as I kissed him, he moaned into the kiss and followed my lead, putting more passion into his kisses so he could even out the pleasure we gave eachother.

I don't care that this is a bathroom, love is love and it just so happens to be happening In a bathroom.

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