The Talk (M+C)

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I waited anxiously in the saferoom, I don't want to be here another minute. Emily could be infected and Ashley and Sam are doing their own thing with that old book.

Emily sat on the table, she needs space after what happend. They freaked out about the wendigo bite she had, and Mike almost pulled his gun out on her.

I had to stop him, so he didn't shoot Emily's face off. I'm really scared somethings going to happen, when will Mike come back and tell us we have the keys? I doubt anytime soon.

A few more minutes passes as Ashley and Sam gossiped about whatever they read, meanwhile I rocked myself against the shelf I leaned on.

I wish Josh was here, he understands me. Everybody else gives he a hard time.




I made my way through the tunnel, I could finally go back to the lodge. I saw some stuff, but nothing much. My path was blocked so I'm forced to go around, maybe there's some other entrance. As long as we get out we're good.

Or maybe we can sit down and wait, but that's just death on a timer about to ring.

I left the tunnels and went through the old ass hotel remains, trying not to trip on slabs of debries layed out on my path, dirty ass path.

I told them I would be back soon, but only Chris and Sam really heard it, their good listeners.

A few more turns and stumbles led me back to the saferoom, I sighed for a breath of air and stepped inside, seeing everybody turn to me.

"There you are Mike, we were worried."

Sam said as her and Ashley hovered around some book the old dude had.

Emily didn't want to talk to me, I get that. But we can't risk it, if something happens.. not happening.

Chris looked happy though, I could tell he missed me.

"There you are Mike, could have sworn you packed your bags for good and ran."

"Like I would do that-"

"Fair odds"

"Oh shush."

There was about an hour to dawn, just need to hold on a little longer.

Not to sure how we can hold on though, if the wendigos find us we are dead meat.

"Hey mike, can I talk to you real quick?'

"Hey, Mike? Can we chat real quick?"

"I don't see why not."

"In private, it's important."

"Oh, well I don't see why not."

A little sketchy? Sure. But I'm willing to hear him out.

Me and Chris left the safe room and walked around the corner, so we had a solid wall blocking us and our thoughts.

"So, what's up?"

"I just wanted to say like a thanks, for helping us all night and shit."

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