Get a Room (M+C)

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TW: Alot of NSFW, Typos




I had the music under good control, I don't get why Chris was hating on my choice, he's just jealous I get to pick the song.

"Mike, my ears are bleeding."

"Bleed all you want, I'm jamming out."

I purposely tuned the music higher, he just chuckled and groaned in annoyance.

"Come on babe, you love my music taste."

"Mike- you only know like 2 good songs."

"Yeah andddd you only have 2 good ideas once a year."


"Okay Okay, I'm sorry."

Chris tapped the wheel, we were almost at the party we were going to, and then we could actually have fun, but fun needs to be soon or else I might explode in my jeans.

Okay, I'm going to make myself Cringe.


We pulled into the driveway of our friends house, like 10 other cars were here, this place is packed. We got out the car and went inside, I held the door open for Chris like a gentleman.

Inside is a bunch of people on the couch or lumping around a beer pong table, this party looks fun enough, not really Chris's kinda thing though.

"Well, you wanna do anything mike?"

"Look around a little, talk to some people, you know how it is chris."

And that's what we did, Chris went to go drink his heart out and I went talking to people.

Countless girls tried talking to me, but chris Is my lover, sorry ladies but I'm not getting in trouble with my man.

I saw people who really reeked of alcohol, I hope chris doesn't drink to much, I don't want to drive us back to my place if he's all woozy.


It's been an hour since I saw chris, I've been chilling around, the usual stuff. I better check on him, make sure he isn't wasted or anything.

I walked back to the main area, next to the beer pong table was the kitchen, and chris leaned against the wall.

I walked up to him and slinged my arm around his shoulder, holding him close to me.

"Hey chris, how you feeling?"

"Tired man, I could use some alone time."

"If you want, we can get alone.."

I flirted with chris, we both chuckled but chris looked at me funny, he wasn't to drunk but he definitely had the effect on him.

"I wouldn't mind that Mike, we can do some stuff~"

"Woah Woah, I know you want it and so do I but watch your tone at a party."

"Ugh, don't be like that mike."

"I'll act how I want thank you."

"I'll make you act how I want you to act"

Chris was definitely not okay, he would build up to this not get to sex talk straight off the back.

"Chris, i- uh-"

"Whats wrong? Speechless or something?"

"Only wrong thing here is your additude, cut that out mister."

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