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Me and Chris were in the Safe room, Sam had just left to go find Ashley and Emily in the tunnels so we can group up and wait it out in here.

While Chris was getting away from the wendigo he messed up his ankle real bad, he sprained it I'm pretty sure.

It's bruised and light purple, and it began to dwell. Chris was on the table with his back to the wall and legs dangling off the table.

"Chris, how you holding up?"

"My foot hurts.. but other than that im okay I guess. You really don't have to wait with me by the way, you can go with sam."

"Thats stupid, I can't risk you having no defense by yourself."

I wanted to be the one to go, but Sam inisited I take a break and watch Chris, now here we are.

"Just wanted to apologize, for uh- holding you back."

"No need to be sorry Chris, it's not your fault you fell back there."

"I know but.. I don't want to slow us down-"

"Chris. You aren't slowing us down, I know it seems bad but we're gonna work around it okay?"

"Alright Mike, whatever you say."

Chris still looked uncomfortable, I had nothing better to do so why not try and lighten him up?

I walked to the table and leaned against it, then looked Chris in the eyes.

"There's something wrong Chris, you're never this paranoid. What happend?"

Chris looked skeptical, like he wasn't sure he could say whatever it was.

"Well.. Ashley's like really mad at me- I mean it isn't my fault! It's Josh's, he's the one who got us into this mess."

"Not just him, the wendigos?"

"Yeah- but he's the pure reason Ashley's mad at me. I had no choice I don't know why she's mad!"

"What did you do Chris? Come on, you can tell me."

"You saw the gun, you were there. But I shot at Ashley cause I-I thought I was going to die! But the bullets are fake- I don't know why dhes holding thus grude!"

"That makes alot more sense, the gunshot and the crying. I guess it made sense.. I'm oblivious."

"Don't say that, you weren't there at the start, you couldn't see it. I didn't want to die, so I shot her. And she's mad at me, if you weren't there to let me inside.. I might have died mike!"

"What do you mean? Ashley could have opened it, don't make me seem like the hero."

"No- Ashley was struggling to open thr door. She was watching me, like if she didn't want me to come inside. You really did save me."

"Ash would do that? The hell.. bitch move."

"Tell me about it.."

Silence grew upon us, the air was cold and thick, no conversation starters on me though, come on Mikey work this out..

Before I could put some awesome plan into action, a few thuds upstairs were heard, they were light, yet heavy.

Like somebody jumping, but they are light in the feet. The hell was it? Ballerinas or some shit?

"Mike- their back to fast. Could it be someone else?"

"Maybe.. but who else could it be?"

"Josh? Or matt?"

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