Bunkmates (M+C)

19 0 17



Content Warning; NSFW




I got home after a long day, taking classes and working shifts Is hard. Still manageable.

Yet I still have to deal with my roommate Mike, I thought moving in with my bestfriend would be a great idea, but every 3 days he's fucking a new girl in bed.

It's crazy how much he does this, sometimes I will get caught up in it all though. I've listened into it a few times, I would be lying if I haven't been turned on by hearing them before.

I opened the door and went inside, Mike was on the couch with his shirt off, and lipstick marks on his neck.

He definitely had a hookup like 10 minutes ago.

"Really Mike? You're gonna do this?"

"Relax Chris, don't cream yourself. She left before we could even do anything"

I rolled my eyes and slipped my backpack off, placing it on the ground next to the couch.

"Just looking out for you Mike, that's all."

"Start looking on tinder, you can have some luck for your single ass."

"Not my fault you steal every girl in the area, you save none for me."

"Well maybe get better looks chris.."

"Well maybe don't raw fuck every girl ever, not every slut needs you mike."

I said that in a ruder tone than I meant it, I instantly stopped myself from continuing but I certainly caught mikes attention.

"You jealous or something? I know I'm really good looking, but you seem really desperate.. why's that? You envy me?"

"I never said that.."

"Its okay Chris, I know somewhere deep down your small ass dick finds it amusing I can pull off what I'm doing. I know what you've done Chris, I caught you staring a few times when you walk past my room, don't even pretend like you didnt."

Mike did have a point, I'm a very curious person, and it's not doing me any good at all.

Mike stood up off the couch and walked up to me slowly.

"If it's action you want, I can help Chris. Just moan my name out.."

A small blush went onto my face, I looked away to not embaress myself but Mike ain't gonna give up.

"Hiding won't work Hartley, you know you want me.."

Mike grabbed my shoulders and pushed down, making me go on my knees. I was on face level with his Crotch, but before I could retaliate Mike shushed me.

"You want it Chris, trust me."

As Mike unzipped his pants my heart raced, is this a dream? A wet dream for sure.

Mike got out of his underwear, and reached a hand down into his boxers where he pulled his dick out, my face flushed when I saw it.

It curved slightly upwards, and it was a nice looking dick. Was I actually about to suck mikes cock?!

"Open up chris."

With a shaky mouth,  I opend up. And Mike granner the back of my head, and pulled me onto the head of his dick, letting me feel it out with my tounge before he actually started to pump me up and down on his dick

I haven't given head yet, this was actually my first time with a boy.. I hope I'm doing good, Mike seems as it he's enjoying it, sighing with pleasure.

I'm breathing through my nose, so I can focus on taking mikes dick down my throat.

"Stick your tounge out chris.."

I listened, letting my tounge lay flat so it can run agaidnt mikes dick as he kept going up and down on my throat, God it was hard to breathe like this.

"You're such a good mouth Chris, so good just for me~"

I moaned a little to show a response, I can't talk at all but I'm still listening.

My throat was being fucked silly, Mike had a fast ass pace and I couldn't keep up with all the saliva dripping down my chin.

Mike finally let out more deep moans, showing how close he was. I would be close as well if I was him, he looks so happy to be here.

"Swallow it for me Chris, you can swallow right?"

Mike tapped my cheek with his hand and I nodded yes, a few more good throats and Mike was done.

Mike moaned as he came down my throat, I felt his warm cum drip down my throat and rest in my mouth, I felt so unclean.

"Fuck chris..~ we need to do this again~.."

Mike said, sliding his dick out my mouth with a pop.

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