Long way to go

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The lodge door opened and me and Chris stepped out, I held Josh with one arm and had to drag him out the door before he tried to escape.

"Come on Josh, don't be a pain in the ass"

"You are an ass."

I didn't try to listen to him, I just kept walking alongside Chris. We had to bring him to the shed, we can't let him stay in the lodge or somebody else can die, not again.

Jessica fell down that damn mine elevator, who knows what else Josh has in his dumb mind.

"Come on you guys, we're all friends here aren't we??"

"Not after today Josh, now shut up."

"You're no fun.."

Josh groaned in annoyance as I kept forcing him to walk aside me, he is like a toddler on a leash right now.

"Hey, Mike?"

"What Chris?"

"You sure it's smart to leave him in the shed? What if he freezes or something?"

"I doubt it, he'll be cold but freezing is a stretch."

"Just looking out for you man."

"Appreciate it."

"I would appreciate if you let go of me Mike, come on!"

Josh joined in on our conversation, who would have guessed. One more piece of bullshit from his mouth and it's a scolding for him.

We're about halfway to the shed, if he can just shut up that would be great.

Josh dragged his legs limp, making it alot harder for me to walk with him.

"Come on Josh, fucking move.."

"Make me."

Josh smirked, he can be as annoying as he wants but I'm not giving into him.

I pinched him with my hand and he winced, standing right back up.

"Don't gotta fucking hurt me!"

"We won't hurt you if you actually cooperate, now hurry up."

I gave Josh a small kick to his leg, getting him to walk a little faster so me and Chris could make progress.

"Hey mike, don't gotta be a bitch to me.."

Josh mumbled, acting as if I'm right to the side of him.

"Can you actually shut the fuck up?"

"For what? What did I do?"

"What do you think?! You killed jessica!"

"I told you earlier, I didn't kill her man!"

"We've seen what you did all night, don't even try to lie."

"If you were with Jess how did you even lose her? I didn't kill her, it's your fault you lost her!"

Josh needs a wakeup call and I'm glad to give him one, he needs to shut up.

I shoved Josh's arm away from me, and he tripped right into the snow.


I kneeled down and placed a leg right on Josh's back, holding him down.

"Can you not understand when to shut up?"

"Get off of me mike!"

"Shut the fuck up!"

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