Upper Class (M+C)

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I walked down the hallway with a few of my other friends, they lugged behind me and chatted about girls and all that stuff.

Sure I'm into that as well, but I have other interests than just getting some good head after class.

I actually try in school, I managed to become class president and it's awesome, last year's prom dance was amazing considering how many people asked me to go, and I'm sure it will go the same later this year.

I knocked into somebody since I was caught daydreaming, some guy.

Not just any guy though, its.. Josh's friend.

"Shit, sorry."

The guy in front of me made eye contact, we were almost the same height, neat.

"Yeah, it's fine. You're Josh's friend right? Christopher?"

"Oh- yeah that's me. I go by Chris."

"Right, my bad."

I tapped my leg akwardly, and chris just looked around. Before I could get another word my friends caught up.

My friends were kind of bitchy to people who acted weird, even though I've heard Chris jokes alot, he still looks nerdy, bullies pray on people like him.

"So, who you talking to mike?"

(Idk names man 💔 ima use smth random)

AJ popped around my shoulder and glanced at us both, Chris was about to step away but he was blocked off by AJ.

Everybody else was gone, just me, AJ, and Nick. Oh and chris-

Nick stood next to AJ, checking chris out.

"Out of all people, a dorky one? Just because you're class president doesn't mean you have to feel bad for him him mike."

Nick hit me in the shoulder slightly and I chuckled weakly, looking at them make fun of chris wasn't fun, but I had to stay cool, act like my friends.

"I don't want to talk to him, he just.. crossed paths, that's all."

"And....? You're one of the highest powers in our grade, if somebody messes with you just tell everybody to make fun of him, simple."

"Well yeah, but-"

"Why are you trying to even talk to him anyways?"

AJ turned back to Chris, poking his chest lightly getting an answer out of him.

"Listen man, I was walking and I apologized, nothing at all-"

"Uh huh, right. Save it."

"You sure you aren't head over heels for Mike? A little bird told me you used to crush on a guy really hard back in middle school."

Nick followed up AJ,I didn't know hot to step in, I can't stop my friends.

"Can you guys just back off? There's nothing to see-"

"Oh you want us to back off? Shut up bitch!"

AJ slammed the locker that was next to chris, getting a flinch out of him.

"Don't fucking cry, it's just a loud noise you pussy."

AJ smirked and walked off, taking Nick with him so they wouldn't be caught.

"Hurry up mike!"

Nick called as they walked away, out of sight. I looked right back to chris who was fighting back tears.

"Dude, I'm so-"

"Forget it, I don't know why Josh is even friends with you, it's probaly because you're close with Hannah and beth or something.. you're a real asshole you know?"

Chris pushes past me and I turned around to say something but my mouth was locked.


I was one of the last people in the lockerroom, AJ was out sick and Nick's in the office for accidentally swearing at Mr. Woods.

Stupid gym uniforms are the death of me, they make us freeze till we are snow sculptures.

Sometimes coach will let me wear my hoodie, me and him are pretty close, he let's things slide with me.

I fixed my shirt correctly, then worked on my gym shorts. The only reason I'm late today to changing is cause I tripped over a concrete step outside, scraped my knee back there.

I slid my shorts down and swapped them out for my sweatpants, I finished what I had to do and closed my locker, when I turned around I saw chris about to leave the room.

The memory from a few days ago came back, where he got made fun of, i can't let him just leave.

"I- chris wait!"

I almost tripped over my shoes laces but I walked up to him, he didn't look to happy to see me.

"Mike.. what do you want now?"

"Nothing, I was just saying that.. I feel bad for the other day, I could have done something but I stayed quiet.

"No shit.."

"Look, I'm so fucking sorry man, don't do me like this."

"Its fine, I know you're a good person but you have shifty taste in people, that's the problem. If you can't even control your friend group.. pfft-"

"I'll try to fix it, but I wanted to apologize okay?"

I had sweat dripping down my forehead, running laps outside is hell, chris also looked a little messy.

"I forgive you then."

"Thanks chris."

Chris quickly looked Me up and down, I was here though, could he not be so obvious?

"Whats wrong? Am I to hot for you?"

"Shut the hell up- is it illegal to look around?"

"Suppose not.."

Chris had a small blush on his face, I couldn't tell if it was from the laps, or the fact I just flirted with him.

"I'll see you around then?"

"See you around Mike."

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