Hearts (M+C)

15 0 14





I stared at the flashing text box, frowning at the fact I don't even know how to text somebody. Mike makes it seem so easy, all he does is just be a dumbass and it all works out.

I mean, things haven't worked out with Ashley before but I hope I can get closer with Mike and work something out, I never gotten to close with him.

I decide to give it my best shot and type something simple out, not embaressing but clearly dry since my ass can't think for shit.

- Hey Mike, just got Mario Kart on my Nintendo, you wanna come over amd try it?

The message sends and I instantly regret it, but it can't be bad. I'll just wait it off and like sit down or something.

I sit down and patiently try and picture what Mike will respond with, or if he will even respond at all.

But my phone vibrates in my pocket, I hurriedly pull it back out and read what was sent back to me.

- Sounds good, I'll be over within the hour or sum. Should I bring snacks?

- Snacks would be great Mike:)

I send it, a small smile invades my face as I start to think on what I need to do to clean up, can't be messy.

I start with the tables, cleaning all the wrappers and stains, and wiping it down. This is going to take forever.


30 minutes later


The place is as clean as I can get it, for the most part that is. I got the couch done, and I tidied up the floor.

Mike should be here soon, so might as well get comfy.

Mikes always been around Josh's house to play games with him, I'm glad he agreed to come over here, he is a little bits away but he makes it work.

A few dying minutes go by and the doorbell rings, I spring to my feet and fix my hair, then walk up to the door with sweaty palms.

"Hey mike!"

"Hi Chris, can I come in orrrr?"

"Oh yeah, come in man!"

Mike thanks me and walks in, i see he has a big bag of chips, yum.

"So, where should I put these?"

Mike says, holding up the bag.

"Oh anywhere fine, the table or the couch, I don't mind."

Mike complies and he puts the bag on the table, then walks to the couch and sits down, I sit next to him.

"I haven't played mario In years man, Nintendo switches aren't my thing so I couldn't get back into it."

"I know what you mean Mike, but I play any game possible because I have so much free time on my hands.

And speaking of hands, I would be down to get a little handsy with Mike.

Oh my gosh I'm going to cringe.

I clear my head as I turn the switch on, then give Mike a controller while the Nintendo boots up.

"So, mike- you got a girlfriend or something?"

"Not at the moment, why?"

"Just asking, catching up on what I missed you know?"

"Yeah totally, what about you? Lucky lady Ashley get her time to shine orrrr?"

"Oh uh- me and ash are better off friends for now."

I looked down a little, disappointed I couldn't keep Ashley for long, and Mike's feels empathy so he puts a hand on my back.

"Sorry to hear that, relationships are ass these days. Can barely keep them alive for a week."

Mike was right, me and Ashley couldn't even make it through a month before we split up.

"Yeah but it's okay, I gotten over it. I'm trying to find a date now, I've got my eye on a few people."

One of those people being Mike, I couldnt get him out my head recently and it's been driving me nuts.

"Well we can just play and chat, and we can see how our day goes you know?"

I agree, thinking about how single I am is going to be the death of me, that and no Micheal Munroe on my lips.

Do I even stand a chance with Mike? I mean, he is some really popular guy in highschool and im the friend of the cool kid, a little nervous. Yeah I'm just gonna play.


After loosing an impossible amount of rounds, I slump over in my seat and set the controller down.

"You won like 98% of those games"

"What can I say, I'm just that good."

"Yeah no shit munroe."

"Shut it Hartley."

We both smile at our weak insults, so I decide to make a move to be more agressive with mine.

"Yeah well, at least my last name doesn't rhyme with 'Hoe' "

"At least I dated a girl in highschool"

Damn, mikes one step ahead of me, and sadly my little nervous brain doesn't have a comeback to this.

"Yeah well- uh.."

"Whats wrong? Cat got your tounge?"

Mike teased and I chuckled, I can't let him win though. I move up to him on the couch and grabbed his head, sliding it under my armpit to put him in a gentle headlock.

Mike chuckled and tried to fight off of it, but I held as tight as I could so I didn't slip up.

"Whats wrong Mike? You stuck?"

"As soon as I'm out of here Chris you are dead meat, you can bet on that."

We had a mini wrestle, Mike would push against me and I tried my best not to slip, but Mike got one good tug on me and I lost my grip, Mike quickly slipped out and then pinned me agaisnt the couch.

"Loserrr, I win."

Mike teased as I blushed, he hand my arms pinned agaisnt the couch and the scene was so Hot, this was a holleywood film.

Mike and I looked at eachother, something crossed inbetween us, like a signal. I slowly leaned in towards Mike and gave him a kiss on the lips, regretting it instantly.

Mike stuttered but he also blushed, kissing me on the lips right back.

And before you knew it, Micheal Munroe had me pinned agaisnt the couch and we were making out, he sat on my lap which was the hottest thing possible.

We kissed passionately, my face was really flushed but I finally got what I wanted. And in a good way to, Mike seems to like this.

"Damn Chris, you're a good kisser."

"I can do more than just kiss Mike, I'm really talented."

Mikes face filled with redness and heat, this would be fun.

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