Movie Night (M+C)

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It was almost 10:00 PM, and we were all at Josh's house to have a movie night. And I thought the lodge was fancy, everything Josh has is Hella expensive, just like his house.

Not everyone was here, but most of us. Ashley, Jessica, and Matt couldn't make it, real bummer but we can survive without them.

"Let's watch horror, its so good at this time."

Emily suggested, Sam rolled her eyes.

"Sure but, horror is like every movie ever. How about romance?"

"Yeah no, NOT romance."

Josh said, getting a small laugh out of us.

"Let's just do horror okay? If you don't like it, sleep or something."

Josh was flipping through every horror movie and people yelled for what they wanted, it was hard as hell to hear but it would tone down.

On my left was Chris, he sat on the edge of the couch, lucky. I like the edge.

On my right is Josh, but now he's yelling for everybody to shut up.

After another minute we decide on a movie, IT. Scary clowns blah blah my ass, I've seen this so many times.

Chris only watched it once though, so at least he can have fun.

The movie starts off slow, like most movies. The more I think about it the more I rather just go on my phone, I would do it any day but today feels different.

Emily and Sam won't stop talking and Josh is practically inhaling popcorn, save some for us jeez.

"Hey chris,"

I turn to look at Chris, he looks back.

"I'm bored."

"Yeah well im not Mike, this movies good now shhhhhhush."

"I can shush when I want thank you."

Chris smiles a little, getting a Small smile out of me. I like how close we are, good friends.

"Aren't you supposed to be like holding hands with a girl right now?"

"Shouldn't you be reading a book Chris?"

"I will actually beat you up."

"With what muscle.."

"You bitch-"

Chris elbowed me and I chuckled, I elbowed back just to get him to his limit.

Chris rolled his eyes playfully and went back to watching the movie, so did I.


The movie was finally getting to the good part, we were halfway and now the actual horror aspect was rising.

Sam and Emily payed more attention and talked less, which was nice. I could pay attention now at the least.

And Josh is on his 3rd bucket of popcorn, I have no clue how he stays on a good weight.

The lights dimmed on the screen, and the music built up. Chris was watching suspensefully, I knew a jumpscare was coming on but I guess he forget when they came screen.

I was the only one with a blanket, it was suffocating me alive though with how big it was.

"Chris, you wanna share my blanket?"

"You sure?"

"I'm going to burn alive if you don't get your ass in Here, yes I'm sure."

Chris chuckled and pulled the blanket over himself as well, now we could both be comfy.

But it seems that the time I spent asking Chris to use the blanket with me was enough time for the movie to sneak up on him.

Cause as soon as Chris turner back to the screen there was a heavy sequence of flashing lights with a jumpscare.

Everybody flinched, even Me a little but Chris's dumbass flung.

He jumped right into my shoulder, I laughed a little at how little he seems now.

"Whats wrong Chris? You can't handle the movie?"

"Its scary."

"No shit."

Chris didn't budge though, he had his arms wrapped around my body, and his head was on my shoulder. I would have told him to move but it was kind of comfy.

"You comfortable or what Chris?"

"I can move if you want, I just don't do good with horror."

"Well I don't see why you can't stay, fine with me."

"Thanks mike."

Chris smiled at me and I smiled back, Chris was so touchy now. I wonder why.

I felt my arm move, I didn't really mean it to but it naturally happend, wrapping around Chris.

It felt nice to have Chris so close to me, his warmth was relaxing, not overwhelming.

Why am I feeling this way.. we're friends. But.. maybe..

I turned around to look at Chris again,  his face was all red. No way am I the cause right?

I'm definitely the cause.

Well how do I be smooth with boys? I don't know how to like boys! This is tough.



"Do you want me to move my arm orrrr-"

"No- No I like it. Keep it there."

I nodded my head with a blush, I held onto him for the rest of the movie.


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