Grief (M+C)

14 0 7





Me and Chris ran down the basement stairs, I let him run ahead of me, he doesn't stand a chance at the wendigo. We ran straight for the safe room, going past all the debries and obstacles.

Chris ran inside first, and held the door open for me. I gave him a nod as I walked inside, then he closed and locked it behind me.

I sighed in relief as my heart knocked at my chest, pounding to be freed. I can't believe what happend... what did happen?

Where's everybody Else? Their going to be here soon..

But they aren't.

I shock of guilt traveled down my spine and creeper me out, my mood changed as I realized where my friends were. The wendigoes are outside along with their dead bodies.

"Holy shit mike.. that was close i-"

Chris stopped to look at me, I turned over to him and felt glad he was alive, I was able to keep him alive.

"I.. I tried chris.."

I clenched my fist as the feelings sunk into me, I let my friends die.


"No chris- their gone now and it's my fault."

"Don't blame yourself, there's monsters and shit out there, its not your fault at all."

"But I'm supposed to be helping us, their dead now! Shit.. shit!"

I kicked the leg of a table, and gritted my teeth as I mumbled a few swear words.

"Mike come on, think reasonably."

"I am being reasonable chris, grow a pair would you?"


"Sorry Chris, this is to much for me, I let them down.".

"Its okay Man, just think slowly and carefully or whatever people do-"

I scooched up onto a table, holding myself up as I closed my eyes.

I have no clue where Matt and Jessica are, and Sam's some place, but I'm very, VERY sure Ashley and Emily are dead outside, I saw blood and I heard them.


I ran a hand against my shirt, reaching into my jacket to feel it.

The shirt was cold and wet, u moved my hand out to see a little bit of blood on my hand, as long as the jacket. My friends blood.

Don't cry mike.. don't be a baby. You're better than this, holding it in is good, be strong in front of chris..

"Mike are you hurt..?"

"Nah.. I'm good.. probaly-"

I cleared my throat, my hands felt cold and when I looked down they shivered slightly, and my stomach had a knot in it.

"You seem cold mike, we can't risk you freezing."

Chris unzipped his coat and slid it off, handing it to me but I handed it right back.

"Chris, you have to stay warm, don't treat me like a baby."

"I'm helping you, so take it."

I hesitated, but then I grabbed it. It was stoll slightly warm, like chris.

Chris was In his green fuzzy ass shirt, he looked like he was getting colder, I feel so bad.

"I don't deserve this chris, why are yo-"

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