One Day (M+C)

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Junior Year


I have a math test today, really annoying cause tests are not my thing, I just sweat and panic until I finish writing down the answers.

Because of that, I'm taking my time in the hallways. Taking a break to look at all the fussy teenagers breaking up, and all the people falling for eachother in the halls.

One day.

One day that will be me.

I'm not even paying attention to where I'm going, just crushing around like a normal person.

I'm pretty sure I studied, my math grade needs to go up cause a B- isn't cutting it, moms gonna kill me.

I'm almost 17 though, next month I can finally be one year away from adulthood, it's kind of scary though. Maybe it isn't bad, what if-

My thoughts are cut off when I thud into something, someone. My glasses fall to the ground and I grab them, sliding them back on before looking for my binder but instead I find a paper which says.


Micheal Munroe? Isn't that Josh's friend?

"Hey, I need that."

A voice called from above me, I looked up to see Mike, handsome as hell holding a fat stack of papers to plaster around.

"Oh yeah sorry- I spaced out."

"Its all cool, just watch where you go next time."

"Got it."

I handed Mike his paper and then found my binder next to me, Mike offered a hand for me to Stand up and I gladly took it.

"So, you plan on voting for me orrrr-"

"Well I don't normally vote, but I guess I will cause you're friends with josh."

"Oh yeah! That does spark something, I've seen you guys together alot. I'm close with his sisters as well, ya know, Hannah and beth?"

"Of course I know them, who wouldnt? The washingtons are pretty popular."

And of course I know Hannah has a fat crush on mike, this must have been the Mike she was talking about.

"Not really popular per-say, just filthy rich and everybody wants to be friends with him."

"Well, money ain't everything Mike."

"You're right, what's your name by the way?"

"Christopher, but you can call me Chris."

"I'm Micheal, call me Mike."

"Got it, see you around?"

"See you around."

Mike offered me a fistbump, and I took it. He did a mini explosion with his hand before he walked off, I didn't know fistbumps could be that cool.

Neither did I know Mike was so cute...

One day.

One day I'll give it a shot.

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