Sharpshooter (C+MR)

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Me and Chris waited at the bottom of the cablecar station, it's yet to come back down and we're kind of stuck here.

The cold wind ran against my cheeks but I just pulled my hoodie up on my ears , keeping myself a little warm.

"You cold or something?"

"No duh Chris, it's like 30 degrees and snowing"

"Oh come on Y/N, we've came to Josh's lodge so many times and you aren't used to how cold it gets?"

"You guys come here way more often, don't put the blame on me."

"Well if you wanna take your mind off of it, we can go shooting behind the station."

"Shooting? Like a video?"

"Nope, there's a shooting range back there, we can just hang our until the car comes."

I'm not a good shooter, I can hit a giant wall probaly but my aims so bad. I used to practice with my dad, I only ever hit like 2 targets.

"If you really want to, then sure Chris."

"Alright then, come on then!"

Chris happily walked around the station, and I followed him.

There was a small shooting range, beer bottles and sand bags were layed out to shoot.

There was a shotgun on the table, and chris picked it up.

"I'll go first, then you can have your turn okay Y/N?"

"Whatever you say, just don't shoot me."

"I'll try not to."

I chuckled a little as Chris got the shotgun readied in his hands, feeling it so he can get comfortable.

The nozzle of the shotgun lifted up towards a beer can sitting on a barrel, Chris pulled the trigger and it fired, knocking the beer can down.

"See how good I am?"

"You shot a single can"

"Just watch-"

Chris reloaded the gun so he had 2 bullets ready, he took a shot at a beer bottle, the top of the bottle exploded and glass shattered all over the table it was on, then Chris aimed for a sand bag, shooting at it.

The sand bag knocked backwards, but it couldn't fall over ot its weight

"Booooom, that's how it's done! Ain't I so hot like this?"

"You're never hot Chris"


"Give me that."

I reached for the gun from Chris's hands, taking it along with two shells that rested on the table.

I loaded the shotgun, and felt it's weight so I can get used to it.

I tilted the nozzle up to a beer can, but when I shot I missed completely, hitting the barrel It was on rather than the target itself.

"Shit.. how do you do this.."

I felt Chris walk behind me, he held my arms, then moved them back slightly.

"You don't just fire like it's a horror movie, and no slouching. Posture is key so you don't fall backwards with the recoil."

"I can do it myself Chris-"

"Be honest, we both know you can't."

Chris was rubbing up agaisnt me, I had a faint blush and im glad he couldn't see it.

"Alright, now just move your arm towards the target, but not fully cause the guns gonna shoot upwards."

Chris helped lift my arms up, and I felt confident I would hit the shot, but I'm being distracted with my hands touching my body..

"Now, you wanna pull the trigger."

Chris slipped his fingers into the trigger, just where mine were. I don't know if I'm delusional but he's caressing my pointer finger.

I feel myself smiling a little, I can't believe I'm being turned on by this. Just Chris being friendly towards Me.

"Hello? Y/N? Pull the trigger, no time to sleep around."

Chris's voice snapped me back into reality.

"Oh yeah- sorry."

I coughed to clear my throat and pushed down on the trigger, the gun fired amd Chris held me with a free arm so the recoil didn't smack me into him.

The beer bottle shattered, and Chris cheered.

"Yeah there you go! You're going to be a natural for sure."

"Pfft- no way. This is a one time thing chris."

"Nah, I'll make sure me and you can practice some more."

Chris still held onto me, I didn't want him to let go of me though. He could hold me as much as he wants, I won't complain.

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