My Treat(M+C)

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Me and Chris were in the mall, why did we go? No clue. I only agreed to take him because he was bored, and what kind of a boyfriend would I be if I said no to him?

Chris slurped his Soda extremely loudly, considering I payed for it, he should be able to drink it more quietly.

Chris kept asking if we could hold hands, but the publics very judgy, and it makes me nervous.

I feel bad for telling him no, but I really don't want to be made fun of.

Chris was pointing out all the shops, the unnecessary hat stores, the 7 McDonald's, and the children running around their parents like animals.

"Thanks for taking me out tonight Mike, I'll take you somewhere nice next time."

"My pleasure, but if you want to make it up to me you can always just.. ya know-"

"Shut up! Do you have no respect mike? We're in public you dirty bitch!"

I chuckled as chris elbowed me lightly, it's fun to see the way his face flushes pink any time I make a comment that's intimate.

"Before we leave, can we get food or something? I'm starving."

"Can we split the bill? Cause I already bought your ass a soda."

"Come on mikeeee, why do I have to pay? I'm you're boyfriend."

"Nope, boyfriend card doesn't work anymore. But if you don't wanna pay, you can alwa-"

"Shut the fuck up."


Me and Chris laughed, I love being around him. We acted so stupid, I don't regret asking him out.

"I'll pay for the bill, but you gotta give me a kiss okay?"

I asked, Chris instantly nodded his head like a child.

"Of course Mike, anything for you."

There really isn't much to get, so we went to the nearest little place that sold food items.

A small ice cream shop, this could work. Maybe me and Chris could share one.

"Chris, you wanna share one?"

"I don't mind."

"Then sharing it is."

Chris gazed over the counter, examining the 20 different flavors he could choose, he's such a dumbass, MY dumbass.

He eventually decided on... drumroll please.. chocolate. Plain fucking chocolate. I waited 3 minutes for that.

I payed the cashier and before you know it me and Chris were at a table eating our ice cream.

"Can you pay for me everytime? I can't resist free food."

I Sadly can't make another sex joke or he's going to beat me.

"I would pay, but.. pretty faces have alot of money, I'm sure you're rich."

Chris smiled and thanked me, then we continued eating our ice creams like idiots.

Chris properly cleaned his mouth when he made a mess, meanwhile I had 3 streaks of chocolate dripping down every direction.

"You want me to clean you up hun?"


"Stay still.."

Chris got a napkin and wiped my face down, I tried not to laugh at how stupid the thought was, at least he was caring for me.

"All clean."

"You know what rhymes with clean, chris?"


"Lean. LEAN over that count-"


Chris did a silent yell, where it's just a yell, but in a normal voice. If you know what I mean.

I laughed and finished my part of the ice cream, I let Chris get the rest.

We chatted until he finished, then we got up and left, chatting about whatever came to mind.

But boring old drama won't cut it, time to bust out my big book of flirting words.

"Chris, are you dog? Because you like bones."

"That was really bad mike.."

"I'm trying okay?!"

My implied sex joke just came off as dry and boring, maybe the jokes should stay to chris sometimes.

The area of the mall we were in was less croweded, so I don't think Chris would mind..

"Chris, you want to hold my hand?"

"Of course mike."

Chris smiled as I offered him my hand, he took it and I brought it up to my face, giving it a small kiss.

"Wow Mikeeeee! Such a gentleman."

"Of course Chris, anything to please you."

"I can think of a few things I need to be pleased with.."

Chris took my lead from earlier, that rascals stealing my flirts.

"Oh yeah? And what are those?"

"You know.. some of the general stuff and others."

"Uh huh.. right."

We kept joking as we walked a little more, Chris was happy and so was I, jeez how did I get so lucky..

"Mike, when we get home can you do me like the biggest favor?"


"I'll pay you $5 if you do the dishes."

"How about I do you instead?"



"Let's just get home already.."

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