Sleepover (M+C)

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I was getting ready for bed, Me, Josh, and Mike have been playing video games for hours on end. We're staying the night at his house and plan to go get breakfast in the morning, it's going to be chill.

Seeing Mike and Josh argue every time they lose was so funny, they take it way to seriously a times.

Josh's room had one big bed, and a couch. Josh toom the honor of sleeping on the couch since he had guests over, me and Mike were both really thankful we got to sleep on a bed.

I finally got my Pajamas on, meanwhile Mike struggled to pick which shirt he wanted to where, he's so dumb at times.

Josh was on the couch, doing something on my phone. I followed his lead and flipped onto the bed, claiming the side closer to Josh, that way I would be in the middle.

Mike finally got a shirt and sat on the bed next to me, keeping distance still.

I slid under the covers as Josh got off his phone, Mike still sat on top.

"Alright gang, in pretty worn out, you cool if I doze off early?"

"Sure thing, I dont mind."

'I don't see why not josh."

"Cool, I'll see you tomorrow then."

Josh shuffled on the couch until he got cozy, I felt a little bad but he offered us the bed, he just should have gatekeeped it.

Mike got under the covers, and turned the lights off since the remote was close to him. A lamp still glowed, lighting up around hald the room.

A few silent moments passed until I turned to Mike, and started uo small talk.

"Mike, you gotta girlfriend or anything?"

"Still working on that, I doubt I'll be single any longer though."

"Right, me to. I'm trying to get a partner as well."

"You have any girls in mind?"


I really wanted Mike, he has been my crush since Junior year of high school and I still haven't told him shit.

"Thats a shame, I'm sure you'll find somebody though, maybe even before me."

I chuckled a little and slid my glasses off, placing them on the nightstand, I wanted to sleep but I just wanted to talk to Mike more.

"You think we should whisper? Cause Josh is gonna wake up if not."

"Yeah, sure thing."

The couch was around 5 feet away from the bed, not a big gap but he was hard to see in the dark.

"So, you destroyed Josh while we played Nintendo earlier."

"I can destroy him anytime I want, I'm just super skilled at that kinda stuff."

I wish he would destroy me.

Mikes bragging isn't much to show off, he still lost his fair share of games.

"Oh yeah, I'm sure you must be a master at games when it comes to josh."

"You know it, I should win an award and medal for that."

"Okay Mike, don't get your hopes up."

"Yeah Yeah- whatever."

I rolled over to face Mike, he was facing my direction already, kind of creepy to have that sight.

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