Pressure (M+C)

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The mines are a scary place, my head hurts like hell but I have to get us out of here, just a little more pushing through the mines and we can go to the lodge.

My body's freezing.. Chris and Ashley are waiting for me on the other side of the lake, just some more walking and hopefully we can find an exit.

There isn't a path to the other side which isn't the small little lake in the bottom of then mines, and of course I have to go through it.

I Appraoch the lake and sit down on the edge, throwing my legs into the water and immediately get freezing feet, I grit my teeth and then push through the pain, falling into the lake, it's chest height, so I have to hold my arms out the water.

I take big steps, pushing myself forwards through the deep water, I'm to exhausted to swim, so I'm going to stick with walking. The water is cold, and my legs are jittery, so are my teeth, I just need to hurry up and get to the other side.

The freezing pain is making my legs numb, but it's going to be alright. I haven't failed yet and I don't plan on giving up yet, come on mike..

My fingers brush agaisnt the rock on the other side of the lake, and I can finally get out. I lift my self uo and out the water, grunting at how much effort I need to put into just getting up. I lay on the ground and regain myself for a few seconds, then I stand back up.

"Ashley?! Chris?!"

I call out, to no response. I walk down the pathway entrance, the mines echo my voice as I stepped forwards, then I hear a few clunks and clatters in the distance.

I walk faster to investigate, there I see Chris leaned agaisnt a wall.

"Oh gosh.. Chris!"

I grin at the sight of relief, I can finally be with somebody now, I'm not in this alone. Chris also looks relieved to he seeing me, he walks up to me but his face goes from relieved to annoyed.

"Oh my God Mike, where were you? I needed- we needed you!"

Chris looks a little stressed, so I try to be as Cooperative as I can.

"I know that Chris, I came here as fast as I could, where's ash-"

"The.. The wendigo chased her away mike! I have no fucking clue where she went, it attacked us and you weren't here to help us you asshole!"

"Chris, calm down I told you I was trying to-"

"Ashley could be dead now mike! Why didn't you go faster? You knew we were in danger!"

I got a little pissed off, Chris kept cutting me off but I can't just yell at him.

"Listen, we can go find Ashley but first we can't just sit and be open Bait."

"Me and Ashley were open bait! You never came for us, you kept us waiting and now she's probaly.. probaly dead! Ash is one of my closest friends, you know that!"

A pierce of guilt stabs through me, it's true that I wasn't there for them but they weren't there for me when I needed help.

"Listen, ash is a good friend to all of us but we can't sit and complain, now come on chris!"

I grab onto Chris's arm but he pushes me away.

"No Mike, I'm not done yet! You can't run away from every problem you ha-"

Chris cuts himself off, my expression fades to a frown quickly.

"Mike you know I didn't mean i-"

"Why the fuck did you not help Ashley Chris? You claim you need my help but what did you do to help her?"

I snap at him, putting her disappearance on Chris now.

"And I don't 'run away'! I just don't have time for this kind of shit!"

I try and get my point through by raising my voice, but the tension only grows.

"You always run mike! From every relationship, friend or not you leave them in the dirt!"

"And you never even help in the first place! You sit around and whine Chris, you would be dead if it wasn't for me!"

That last part is an open wound, and it stings. I regret what I said but when I open my mouth to speak Chris greets me with a punch to the face, I stumbled back as my face tenses up where I have been hit, right in the cheek.

"You fucking ass! Why do you have to be like this?!"

Chris shouts, I hold onto my cheek and look him dead in the eyes.

"IM FUCKING TRYING- Fuck! You never shut the fuck up Chris! You need to shut the hell up, I've done so much for you guys and you treat me like shit! I don't want to be the 'cool hot guy' I want to be normal as well, fuck you Chris!"

I glare at him, he looks hurt, he has no words to respond and that's clear. My cheek begins to bruise, not good at all.

"Mike- I'm so fucking sorry but- shit.. I wish you would understand but it's hard to talk to you!"

"Yeah clearly! This whole night you guys relied on me, you never asked how I FELT. Just you guys matter here, not me!"

Before Chris can finish I adjust my coat and storm off through the mine tunnel past Chris.

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