09. tangled band aids 🩹

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The next time I sneaked out was the same day I saw Henry. I had a 50% chance of being fully locked up again so if they caught me and put bars on my windows, at least I know I saw Henry for the last time.

I was going to his house, and hopefully, he was there, knocked on his door and asked him to show me his knife collection. He said he would show it to me the next time I sneak out. So I shouldn't be that nervous. Or maybe it was the fear. Or something else but my stomach was in knots.

After I was out of my yard I started running barefoot. This time I had shoes but what if they get dirty? Or what if one of my parents wakes up and they notice my pair is missing? I couldn't risk it so I went barefoot and I hoped I wouldn't step on a glass or something.

After not even two minutes of walking, it started to rain. And it rained hard and loud and for a moment I wanted to go back home but I stopped myself. I started running so I could get there faster.

While the asphalt was wet and I was barefoot, I obviously fell. It didn't hurt that but I know I had some cuts on my leg, hand and maybe face. I hoped it wasn't. I couldn't hide it and my parents would ask questions about it. But if I managed to hide until I leave for school — if I am allowed to go — I could just say it got hurt at school or something.

I started running again, this time slower, while the rain was hitting my body. I've never run through the rain. I saw it in movies and always wanted to try it. It felt good and refreshing.

When I got to his house, I tried to catch my breath because this running thing made me more tired than I ever was. My legs almost gave up.

After a few seconds, I knocked on his door. I wonder if he's asleep. It was around 1 pm when I left. Should I just go? He is probably sleeping. What if I woke him up? 'Nobody wakes up with just a knock on the door, Evangeline.' the rational part of my brain spoke up and I agreed.

I wanted to leave after I knocked because nobody seemed to open the door but as soon as I turned my back, the door opened. I smiled but the person in front of me wasn't Henry. It was Reed. "Umm, hi! Is Henry here?"

He clears his throat. "Knife this is for you!" He yelled but he didn't move from the door. He kept staring at me. I guess he waited for Henry to tell him if he should invite me in or not.

I could see Henry from the corner of my eye so I tilled my head so he could see that it was me at the door. "What's for— Evangeline?"

"Hiiii!" I said and smiled at him. I realised I always smile around him. "In my defence, it wasn't raining when I left."

"What the hell?" I guess he saw the way I was and rushed to the door. "You're soaking wet. And injured." Henry looked at me up and down and sighed. "And barefoot."

"I ran and I fell." I pouted and looked at the cut on my leg. It wasn't that big or very painful but now that I wasn't running, I felt it sting. And the one in my hand. And the one on my face.

"Come inside." He gently grabbed me and when I set foot in his home, it was warm and I felt my muscles relax. "Reed, please make tea for her."

"Aye, Aye Captain." Reed put two fingers at his forehead and then left in what I assume it's the kitchen.

"He's funny," I say.

"Let's go to the bathroom," Henry said and guided me towards the room. It was even warmer here. "Go next to the radiator and warm yourself up. I'll get you something to change in, ok?" I nodded and he left.

I started to look around as my body was close to the warm radiator. It was a white bathroom with a huge shower and a bath. I've never seen anyone having the two of them. But, in my defence, I've only been to Andrew's house. I guess they had some money. What were they doing for a living? I don't know about the others but Henry seemed pretty rich. Andrew told me he had an expensive car, he had a pretty watch and even his clothes seemed expensive.

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