013. sitting on his lap 🩺

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evangeline cromwell

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evangeline cromwell

The first thing I did when I got home was to hide the phone Henry gave me. Thankfully, it was still there.

I texted Henry that I'd put my phone on silent and hide it and if he came to my house just to honk.

I first wanted to hide it under the bed but I realised my mom sometimes comes and cleans my room so she would easily find it.

I had a few more options like in my closet, in my shoes or in my bag pack. I gave up on this and decided I'd hide it behind the painting that was hanging above my bed. I'll just tape it and hope it doesn't fall off.

After a few hours, I see Andrew outside on his porch with a mug in his hand, sitting in his chair and I remember what Henry told me earlier. I was really curious about what he said to Henry that made him so angry.

I walk out of my room and see my mom sleeping on the couch and I try my best to be silent as I walk off the door and head towards Andrew who already spotted me.

"Sneaking out during the day now?" He said with a smile on his face.

"Actually, I can hang out every Sunday now." His eyebrows rise.

"Oh, that's nice," Andrew said and tried to be happy but I could sense some sadness in his voice. I guess he was so used to our Wednesday hangouts and he probably knew I would spend more time with Henry than with him. "Were you going to his house earlier?"

"Yeah, I was going to Henry's. About him," I let out a big sigh and continued talking. "He told me you told some things and he told me to talk to you about it. So what did you tell him?"

Andrew seemed a little shocked about this and let out a chuckle. "I didn't think he would let you resolve our problems." He said it with an arrogance that made me angry. Andrew said it like Henry is just a scared boy who lets other people solve his problems and I know damn well Henry isn't like that.

"He told me that because he knew he would hurt you and I'll be mad at him about it." I let my mind speak out before I even realised what I said. I mean, that's the truth but I could have said it nicely.

Andrew threw me a dirty look but I ignored it. "So, what did you tell him?"

"I told him he is the reason why you're in this situation. You sneak out just to see him and that gets you into trouble because of it. And you might get hurt. You're a beautiful young girl, walking alone at night with no phone or any weapon on her. So I told him to leave you alone if he doesn't want to see you dead."

My eyebrows immediately form a frown and my mouth falls open. "What's wrong with you Andrew?" I say and I raise my voice a few octaves but I stop when I realise I'm yelling. "How could you say that to him? Do you realise how much that could hurt him?"

"Honestly Evangeline, I couldn't care less about his feelings. I don't trust him."

"You don't have to trust him. He's not your friend. He's mine. So if I trust him, it's not one of your business. I appreciate you looking out for me but I am a big girl now. I can make my own decisions." I get he wants to protect me but saying hurtful things to Henry isn't helping me. He could have said something to my parents if he wanted to protect me that badly.

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