025. birthday boy 🥳

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miro blakely

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miro blakely

I was 24 years old. No more Evangeline jokes about me being almost twenty—four years old. No more Evangeline.

It was my birthday today and I felt nothing worth celebrating. Just a year older. I'm still the same man. The same liar. The same douchebag that made Evangeline suffer.

She said she doesn't miss me. Which is good but that doesn't stop my heart from breaking. Hearing her say those words hurt. I deserved them but it still hurt.

I got drunk because I was unsupervised. Reed and Matteo were out to get me a birthday cake and I saw a bottle of wine in front of me and I just drank it all in one sitting. It was done in about ten minutes.

And in all of my drunkness, the only logical thing was to call her. To hear her voice one more time. It was hurting both of us but I just wanted to hear her voice. It started to sound distorted in my nightmares. My subconscious was slowly forgetting her voice and I couldn't let that happen. So I called her and registered the call.

And now I was listening over and over again and I was drowning in my tears. Her delicate voice that once was so soft towards me was now a cold tone I didn't want to become familiar with.

But I just have to get used to it since this is the last thing I remember of her voice.

Her voice. Her sweet voice. Her.

"Happy birthday, Miro!" Reed yelled as he and Matteo clapped their hands while they entered my room.

Miro. I really started to hate that name. I didn't want to be called Miro. Henry sounded more gentle. Especially when Evangeline was calling my name.

"Thank you." I tried forcing a smile as I got up from my bed and walked towards my friends.

"Make a wish," Matteo demanded with a sweet smile.

I didn't believe in this thing. That blowing some candles would make my wish come true because no matter how much I wished for everything to be alright, my sister still ended up dead. But I was desperate now. And it can hurt to try, right?

I close my eyes and start repeating in my head, 'I want Evangeline. I want her to be safe and I want her to stop suffering because of me.' And I blew out the candles.

Not even a few seconds, the cream of the cake was on my face. "This is always my favourite part," Reed said with a laugh.

And then Matteo did the same, afterward joining Reed in laughing.

And for the first time in three weeks, I felt a little bit of happiness.

After the three of us ate a piece of cake, we started discussing our next job: killing a father who molested his daughter and traumatised his family.

But I was too lost in thoughts. It's my birthday but Evangeline doesn't even know it. It's my birthday and she's not here to celebrate it with me.

If she had known about it, would she have wished me a happy birthday? Would she have called me? Would she have at least thought about me?

Stop! She has to forget you!

Shut up, brain!

"Miro?" God, I hate that name. "Are you paying attention?" Matteo said.

I nodded, not too sure about what he asked me.

"Miro?" This time Reed spoke. "Are you paying attention? Or do you want to do this later?"

Oh, I forgot I had to pay attention. "Yeah, I'm all ears," I said as I looked at them. They don't seem to believe me.

"Miro, this job is serious. We need to be careful and concentrate on the job and job only." Matteo explained softly, not wanting me to explode or something.

But I couldn't concentrate just on the job. My head is all full of Evangeline.

I shift in my chair. "Yeah, I know. I'm sorry. Let's continue."

They gave me a hesitant look but continued talking. "So, they live on 13th Street. All we know is that the little girl called us, begging for our help." Reed explained and I forced myself to focus.

"She's 13, her mom is 46 and her father is 55. They live on 13th Street and I asked around, finding out that the girl doesn't even go to school because his father doesn't allow it. They also had the CPS called but nobody did anything."

This is starting to feel a little too familiar. And now it had my full attention. "What do you think we should do?" Matteo asked me as he turned his gaze toward me.

Stab him in the heart countless times until his blood is all you're covered in. "We spy on the father for a week or two, after we have his schedule figured out, we take the kid and mom out, then we pretend we need to check something in the house and kill him."

"But what if he won't let us in?" Matteo questioned.

"We'll make our own way in." I simply answered. I won't let this man live another day. No way in hell. I'll climb the window or break the door myself if it's needed. And I don't care if I get caught. At least I know he's not alive anymore.

"That's helpful," Reed said in a sarcastic tone.

"I don't know, we will just say if he lets us check the house we will pay him." I shrugged. People do a lot of things for money. And letting three innocent men into your house doesn't seem like a big praise to pay.

But it would be for him.

His worthless life would be the price.

And those girls could live together in peace. Together. Together. Together.

They nodded. "Ok, all good then." Reed started speaking. "Let's celebrate your birthday, brother. February is all yours."

February. February. February. 11th February. Evangeline. Evangeline's birthday. Her birthday is in 6 days.

She'll turn 20 in 6 days and I won't be there.

But I can be.

I'll be quick. She won't even see me.

I'll leave her gift at her door and then I'll leave. This is all.

"I need to go back to Brookside."

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