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Elias had become a cherished presence in the Mikaelson household. He frequently looked after young Elijah when Esther was away with his mother, and Mikael was on expeditions. Time passed swiftly, and soon Elijah was five years old, while Finn and Elias were both ten. Niklaus, a couple of years younger, along with Elijah, adored Elias and would follow him everywhere, much like little ducklings waddling after their caretaker.

Elias started accompanying his mother as she tended to the sick and injured, becoming her diligent assistant. He was often by her side, helping set broken bones, preparing ointments from herbs he had gathered, and stitching up wounds. His eagerness to learn and help extended beyond their home as he followed her to various villages, aiding her in treating patients and gaining valuable experience in the healing arts.

As Elias continued to assist in healing, his magical abilities flourished alongside his medical knowledge. His mother, recognizing his growing talent, taught him more advanced techniques, blending traditional healing methods with magical practices.

Ayana, with a clear vision for her son's magical education, prioritized teaching Elias healing and defensive magic rather than offensive spells. She believed that the most important aspect of magic was to protect and heal, shaping Elias into a compassionate and skilled healer first and foremost.

Elias, feeling a sense of urgency to learn more about offensive magic for self-protection, questioned his mother during one of their practice sessions. "Why won't you teach me offensive magic?" he asked, a tone of frustration in his voice. Ayana sighed, looking thoughtfully at her son. "There's a time for everything, my son. Right now, mastering defensive and healing magic is what's most important. When you're older, we'll discuss more," she explained calmly. Elias, feeling disappointed, lowered his head. Ayana, while continuing their practice, wore a slight frown, contemplating her own thoughts. 'It's to prevent awakening something more dangerous,' she mused silently, but chose to keep these worries to herself, focusing instead on guiding Elias in his current lessons.

Ayana was determined to maintain a balance in her son's life, acutely aware of his unique nature from the moment she first held him. She recognized the magical potential of a witch in him, but beneath that, she knew a latent, more primal force lay dormant – he was a werewolf. Unbeknownst to Elias, this hidden aspect of his identity was something Ayana sought to keep under wraps. Her primary concern was to prevent any harm from coming to others or to Elias himself, fearing the consequences if the beast within him were ever unleashed. She believed that by focusing his training on healing and defensive magic, she could keep this other side at bay and protect her son from a fate she deemed dangerous.

Ayana's efforts to shield Elias from the truth about his werewolf heritage were not just about protecting him from the dangers of that world, but also about preserving his innocence and ensuring his magical training remained focused on nurturing and safeguarding life. She believed that knowledge of his werewolf nature might push him towards a path of aggression and conflict, something she desperately wanted to avoid


Elias was spending time with Finn when Elijah and Niklaus, the younger boys, tagged along. Niklaus, a gentle boy with tufts of blond hair and bright blue eyes, and Elijah, known for his calm demeanor, were always close by. Spotting them, Elias remarked with a smile, "Looks like you've got the little ones with you."

Finn, slightly irritated, replied, "They insisted on hanging out with you. I tried to convince mother, but she insisted I bring them along." Elias hummed thoughtfully, observing the two boys, and then suggested, "How about a game of hide and seek?" This was a game Elias had introduced to them, which quickly became their favorite, often pleading to play it repeatedly.

The boys' eyes lit up with excitement. Elias set the rules, "You know what to do. Hide somewhere in the woods, but don't wander too far. And don't worry, Finn will be with you."

"I never agreed to that," grumbled Finn.

Elias, undeterred, began counting to 20. As he counted down, he could hear the sound of their footsteps scattering in different directions, eagerly finding their hiding spots.

Elias's voice echoed softly as he counted, his eyes closed to give the boys a fair chance to hide. The woods around them were familiar, a place they had often explored together, full of natural hiding spots. As he reached the count of twenty, Elias called out, "Ready or not, here I come!"

He set off into the woods, his eyes scanning for any signs of the boys. Though initially reluctant, Finn seemed to get into the spirit of the game, moving quietly through the underbrush, his eyes alert for his younger brothers. The woods were alive with the sounds of nature, but the laughter and whispers of the children were absent, a testament to how well they had learned to hide.

Elias first found Niklaus, his blond hair barely visible behind a large bush. With a gentle smile, Elias whispered, "Found you, little wolf," to which Niklaus responded with a giggle and a scramble out of his hiding spot. Together, they searched for Elijah, finding him cleverly concealed in a hollowed-out tree trunk.

Finn, meanwhile, had found his amusement in the game, a rare smile gracing his features as he joined in the search.

Gathered in a clearing, the boys settled down, catching their breath after the excitement of their game. With a spark of mischief in his eyes, Elias asked, "Do you guys want to see something cool?" Their heads nodded eagerly in anticipation. With a focused expression, Elias closed his eyes and began to chant softly, "Flores et fortes faciunt." As the words of the spell left his lips, the ground around them transformed. Beautiful flowers of all shades and scents bloomed, surrounding them in a spectacular display of magic and nature. The boys watched in awe as the clearing became a vivid and fragrant garden. 


 In what season of the show does the font of the introductory "The Vampire Diaries" change? 


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