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Elias deliberately tried to bond with Marcel, often taking him around town for little adventures. Wherever Elias went, Marcel was likely to be by his side. He lavished the boy with new clothes and accessories, even when they weren't necessary, and shielded him from any unpleasant remarks or attitudes from others. Using his psychic abilities, Elias ensured that anyone who harbored negative thoughts or spoke ill of them would quickly find themselves silenced or compelled to steer clear of them.

Elias often pondered why he felt so compelled to care for Marcel, whether it was sympathy for the boy's situation or seeing a bit of his past self in him. Ultimately, the reason didn't matter much to him.

As they were preparing lunch together one day, Marcel looked up at Elias with a question that had been on his mind. "Elias, are you and Finn...together?" he asked cautiously.

Elias smiled softly, not at all surprised by the question. "Yes, Marcel. Finn is my husband. We've been married for centuries."

Marcel's brows furrowed in confusion. "But I thought men couldn't marry other men," he remarked, reflecting the common beliefs of his time.

Elias chuckled, a sound filled with warmth and understanding. "That's what many think, and what we believed too, once upon a time. But then we met each other and realized that there are no rules to who you can love. We chose to be together, and that's what matters."

Finn then entered the kitchen He leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on Elias's cheek. Turning to Marcel with a warm smile, he affirmed "He's right, little one. Love doesn't always follow the rules people set.

Anyway, what have you two been up to today?" Finn inquired, looking at both Elias and Marcel with interest.

Marcel eagerly began recounting their day's adventures. He animatedly described their shopping spree and especially the street performer they saw, a man who appeared to conjure fire right before their eyes. Marcel knew it was likely just an illusion, but the excitement and wonder in his voice were unmistakable as he detailed every moment to Finn, who listened with a smile, enjoying Marcel's enthusiasm and the vividness of his storytelling.


While Marcel was busy learning from Elijah, Klaus stormed into Elias's room, his expression thunderous with fury. He locked eyes with Elias, his voice seething with possessiveness and anger.

"Marcel is my son, I took him in," Klaus asserted, barely containing his rage. "I don't appreciate you overstepping and bonding with him like this."

Elias, unfazed by the outburst, replied calmly, "Klaus, I'm only helping the boy. He needs guidance and companionship."

"But he's mine to raise! I decide what he needs," Klaus retorted sharply, his jealousy evident.

Frustration mounting, Elias finally stood up to confront Klaus's fury, meeting his gaze with a firm resolve.

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