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(Marcel's POV)

I headed over to Rebekah's room and knocked. After a moment, she answered and greeted me warmly, inviting me into her room. I hesitated, then said, "Actually, can we talk somewhere more private, away from prying ears?" She looked puzzled but nodded in agreement and went to get dressed. I waited outside, a few blocks away, pondering what I would say to her.

As Rebekah approached, I could see the curiosity mixed with concern in her eyes. I took a deep breath, knowing the weight of what I was about to say. "Rebekah," I started, my voice steady but soft, "I need to be honest with you. You mean a lot to me, more than you know. But the feelings I have aren't what you hope they are." I paused, seeing the realization dawn in her eyes. "I don't love you in the way you want me to. I respect and cherish our friendship, but leading you on wouldn't be right." I could see the hurt flicker across her face, which pained me. I continued, "I believe you deserve someone who can give you the love you're looking for, the love you deserve." Her expression was stoic now, but I could tell she struggled with my words. I concluded, "I'm truly sorry."

Rebekah's voice was barely a whisper, "Marcel, I thought..." She trailed off, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I thought there was something between us, something real."

I reached out hesitantly and took her hand. "I know, Rebekah, and I'm sorry for any pain I've caused. There were moments, fleeting and wonderful, but they weren't enough to build a future on. I can't pretend, not with you."

She pulled her hand away gently, "So, what now? We just go back to before, pretend all this never happened?" Her voice cracked, the façade of strength wavering.

"No, we can't undo what's been said and felt," I admitted. "But I hope, in time, we can move forward. Not as lovers but as the friends we've always been. I don't want to lose you from my life, Rebekah."

She nodded slowly, taking a step back. "I need time, Marcel. Time to understand this, to understand you." She paused, taking a deep breath. "I appreciate your honesty, even if it's not what I wanted to hear."

I watched as she turned, her figure receding into the distance. "Take all the time you need," I called after her, my voice heavy with relief and regret.


In New Orleans, Elias was kind at home but feared by all supernatural beings. Witches respected him, wolves feared him, and vampires were under his control. While Niklaus led the city, Elias was a strict but fair leader. He left others alone unless they threatened his family, in which case they would face his wrath.

As rumors of threats against his family circulated, no one dared to challenge Elias. His reputation for swift and decisive action kept the supernatural community in line. Everyone knew that while Elias might be a benevolent figure to those who remained neutral or allied, crossing him or his loved ones was a guaranteed path to destruction. In this way,

While the witches respected Elias, they secretly considered him an abomination due to his hybrid nature. However, none dared to voice their true thoughts for fear of meeting a swift end. The same witches who quietly criticized him were not the ones he sent to liaise with the New Orleans coven, ensuring that his presence and power were always respected and unchallenged.


In a gloomy house, Rebekah was upset in her room. Elias knocked and, getting no response, entered to see her lying in bed. He pulled the blanket off her and said firmly, "Get up, we need to talk."

Rebekah, still silent, just glared at him.

"About what?" she finally asked, her voice cold.

"About you," Elias replied, "and your love life. It's time we addressed it."

Elias looked at Rebekah earnestly, saying, "You fall in love quickly and then are crushed when it doesn't last. Love isn't just about feelings, Rebekah; it's about sacrifice. You're not a teenager anymore; you're centuries old. Turning changed us all, but it's time to gain some perspective."

Rebekah, her eyes reflecting centuries of both joy and pain, finally spoke. "And what perspective is that, Elias? That I should be numb or uncaring?"

"No," Elias replied gently, "but you should learn and grow from each experience. Love wisely, not just widely."

Elias continued, "You must understand yourself before diving into another whirlwind romance. Take time to heal and reflect on what you truly want. Seek a connection that's both passionate and stable and nurturing."

Rebekah sat up, considering his words.

"Find someone who respects and understands the depth of your years, someone who sees the real you beyond the allure of the moment," he added. "And most importantly, love yourself enough to wait for what you truly deserve."

Elias softened his tone, "Because, Rebekah, you deserve someone who will sweep you off your feet, someone who loves you unconditionally, who sees and cherishes you for who you are—not just as Rebekah Mikaelson, but as Rebekah."

Rebekah's gaze lingered on the floor as she mulled over his words.

Elias continued, "You need someone who understands the weight of eternity in your eyes and respects your strength and vulnerabilities. Someone who doesn't just withstand your storms but embraces them."

He paused, ensuring his words sank in. "Remember, true love doesn't weaken you; it strengthens you. It's a partnership of equals, a shared journey."

Elias's voice grew tender, "Take time to understand who you are, Rebekah. You fall so easily in love that you often change yourself for the other person. You shouldn't have to do that. You are amazing, little sister."

A slight smile tugged at the corners of Rebekah's mouth.

"You've survived centuries, faced countless challenges, and yet here you are, standing strong," he continued. "Embrace that strength. Let love find you when you're fully you, not bending over backward to fit into someone else's ideal."

Rebekah's smile broadened a little, a spark of resilience lighting up her eyes as Elias's words resonated within her. "Thank you, Elias," she said, rushing to hug him.


Elias sensed it was time. Marcel, eager at 20 years old, wished to become a vampire. Gazing at his son, Elias asked, with a heavy heart, "Mars, are you certain about this?"

Marcle nodded confidently, "Of course, Dad."

Accepting his decision, Elias allowed Marcle to drink from his wrist. After the deed, he embraced his son Warmly, then, with swift vampire agility, snapped his neck to complete the transition. Gently laying Marcle's still form on the couch, Elias stepped back.

Finn approached, understanding the weight of the moment, and hugged Elias. Together, they waited. After 40 minutes, Marcle awoke with a sharp gasp, beginning his new life. 



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