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With His Emotions off, Elias had three goals: First, get a better hand on his hybrid Status and psychic ability, 2nd Find out more about his biological family; and 3rd, get revenge on Mikael.

Firstly, Elias focused on mastering his werewolf side, as he already had a firm handle on his vampiric. He ventured deep into the woods, determined to force the transformation until the pain subsided repeatedly. Despite the excruciating agony of bones breaking and reshaping, he persisted. Days of relentless shifting gradually dulled the pain, and he no longer felt overwhelmed by the transformation.

With the complete shift under control, Elias focused on mastering partial transformations. He concentrated on morphing just his hand into a wolf-like form, a task that proved to be challenging. However, after several hours of focused effort and practice, he achieved it.

Elias continued to practice his partial transformations, repeating the process until it became almost as instinctive as breathing. Being a hybrid, he recognized the unique advantages one being able to make other hybrids but for now, he held off on that.

Elias understood that simply transforming wasn't the entirety of his werewolf heritage; he needed to truly connect with his wolf spirit. Being a hybrid meant balancing both his werewolf and vampire natures, yet he had predominantly leaned on his vampire abilities. Determined to embrace his werewolf side more fully, he set out to find a way to integrate into werewolf society.

After scanning the minds of various individuals, Elias discovered a pack residing in a secluded area a few villages away. Using his refined psychic abilities, he influenced the alpha of the pack into allowing him to join them. His intent was clear: to live among the pack and learn the ways of the wolf, to become one with his other half and to understand the full extent of his hybrid nature.

"Every wolf in our pack undergoes this ritual. Now that you've joined us, you are offered the same opportunity," the alpha explained. She was a striking middle-aged woman with strands of gray woven into her brown hair,

"Thanks to our herbalist's discovery of reishi growing in the woods and her skill in combining it with water and other herbs, this concoction allows you to connect deeper with your inner wolf. While some view their wolf as a curse, here, we embrace our true nature. Many fear giving control to the wolf, but we surrender to our instincts, allowing the wolf to guide us."

She handed Elias a bowl containing the potion and encouraged him to drink. Without hesitation, Elias consumed the brew but initially felt no different. "I don't feel anything," he remarked, a hint of boredom. The alpha smiled and assured him, "It takes time, young one." Despite his internal skepticism, Elias decided to wait and see what effects the potion might hold,

Elias allowed himself a moment of rest, not realizing he had drifted off until he abruptly awoke in the middle of the woods. Confusion set in as he called out, but the only response was the forest's eerie quiet and a sudden twig snap behind him. Whirling around, he came face to face with a large black wolf, its eyes glowing like rubies, emanating a ferocious and predatory energy.

The wolf growled, baring its teeth in a clear threat, and Elias, unimpressed and slightly irritated, retorted sharply, "Don't snap your jaws at me, you must." This only aggravated the wolf further, its growl deepening, body tensed for an attack.

Realizing the futility of arguing with the beast, Elias raised his hands in surrender. "Alright, no need for hostilities," he said calmly, trying to ease the tension.

To his relief, the wolf's aggressive stance lessened. It regarded him with wariness and curiosity, slowly circling him, seemingly judging his worth or intent. Elias remained still, allowing the wolf to approach closer.

As it came within reach, the wolf sniffed at him, its eyes never leaving his. Elias held his breath, understanding that this moment was crucial in establishing trust or further enmity. "Easy now... I'm not your enemy," he said softly, trying to convey a sense of peace to the powerful creature before him.

With his emotions muted but his instincts sharp, Elias understood the importance of letting the wolf assert its dominance. He allowed it to sniff and investigate him without protest. After a tense moment, the wolf finally stood still before him as if waiting for some kind of acknowledgment or action.

Confused but willing to follow through, Elias cautiously touched the wolf. The moment he made contact, the world around him seemed to snap back into focus, and he found himself no longer in the woods but back with the pack, facing the alpha.

Elias resolved to stay with the pack for a while, recognizing the value of learning more about his werewolf heritage. Surrounded by others who embraced their wolf nature, he sought to deepen his understanding of himself and strengthen the bond with his inner wolf.


Having honed his physical transformations, Elias turned his attention to gauging the extent of his psychic abilities. After spending two centuries isolated in a cave, he was uncertain of the limits of his power. He ventured towards a nearby village to test his capabilities, especially on his heightened hearing.

Once at the village center, Elias attempted a bold move. He exerted his will over the villagers, commanding them to halt. The immediate effect was staggering, but it exerted a tremendous strain on him, more than he anticipated. Recognizing the need for a more gradual approach, he scaled back his efforts to influence a smaller group of people, extending his psychic reach as far as he could manage until the strain became too intense. For now, he could only affect about a quarter of the village.

As the thoughts and memories of the villagers streamed into his consciousness, he remained detached, focusing instead on understanding the breadth and control of his psychic influence.

Over the next few months, Elias dedicated himself to practicing his psychic control. He returned to the village each day, subtly extending his influence over a small portion of the villagers. With patience and persistence, he gradually increased the number of people he could affect, ensuring he could do so without the previous overwhelming strain.

As the weeks turned into months, his proficiency grew. He became more adept at entering and influencing the villagers' minds, navigating their thoughts and actions easily. The once unbearable strain diminished with each attempt, a testament to his growing power and control.

Finally, after diligent practice, Elias reached a significant milestone. He could now command the entire village with no adverse effects, a feat that once seemed insurmountable.

Mastering control over approximately 1000 villagers was no small feat. The sheer number of individuals, each with their distinct thoughts and wills, presented a complex challenge for Elias. Yet, through months of relentless practice and concentration, he extended his psychic dominion over the entire populace.

Elias couldn't contain a triumphant laugh; he had achieved what had once seemed impossible. After enduring such prolonged isolation and struggle, he had mastered control over an entire village. The thought of facing Mikael, the one who had caused him so much pain, now seemed less daunting. Elias was almost eager for the confrontation, curious to see the shock and fear on Mikael's face when confronted with his newfound strength and abilities.

Elias decided to let Mikael continue to believe he was still trapped in the cave. With his initial goal achieved and the villagers released from his psychic hold, erasing any memories they held of him, he departed the village, setting his sights on finding a somewhat powerful witch to help him.


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