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'Cause when you never see the light, It's hard to know which of us is caving

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'Cause when you never see the light, It's hard to know which of us is caving.'


Elias strolled through the familiar streets of town, a sense of unease prickling at the back of his neck. He couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Keeping his head low, he continued on his path until he found himself in the dimly lit embrace of a narrow alley.

Instinct took over as he swiftly spun around, his vampire reflexes kicking in as he seized the two figures lurking in the shadows.

"You'll have to do better than that, Kol," he quipped, holding one assailant by the neck. Turning to the other, he added, "And Rebekah, too. I could smell you two from a mile away."

Relaxing his grip, he released them, and they reciprocated the gesture with their embraces.

"It's been too long since we last crossed paths," Elias remarked with genuine warmth.

Kol smirked. "Well, not long enough, if you ask me."

Rebekah squeezed him tightly. "It's been an eternity, brother."

Elias pulled away slightly, his expression turning serious. "I called you here because something intriguing has come to my attention. I've discovered the latest Petrova doppelgänger in Mystic Falls."

Kol and Rebekah exchanged incredulous glances as Elias delivered the surprising news. Rebekah was the first to voice her disbelief. "But Niklaus wiped out Katerina's entire bloodline. How could there still be descendants?"

Elias couldn't help but smirk at their reaction. "Ah, well, dear old Katerina had a little secret before she was banished to England. An illegitimate child That survived and went on to have children of their own."

As the shock settled in, Elias gestured for them to follow him. "But that's not all. There's something else I think you'll find even more intriguing." With that, he led them towards the Salvatore Boarding House, anticipation sparking in his eyes.

As they strolled, catching up on lost time, Rebekah couldn't contain her curiosity. "Why bring us to this mundane boarding school, Elias?" she inquired, nonchalantly tending to her nails.

Elias chuckled, his eyes twinkling with anticipation. "Just wait and watch," he replied cryptically.

After a brief walk, they arrived at their destination. Rebekah raised an eyebrow, unimpressed by the seemingly ordinary setting.

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