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Over the course of five years, Finn and Elias's relationship developed significantly. They found opportunities to be together discreetly, creating a special place for themselves where they could relax and escape from the scrutiny of others. Elias frequently visited the Mikaelson cottage, offering his help in various tasks. Surprisingly, Mikael treated Elias kindly, which was unexpected. During his visits, Elias often used his psychic abilities to shield Niklaus and the others from Mikael's anger, either by soothing Mikael's rage or compelling him to leave Niklaus alone. Although it wouldn't always work, it was enough to make Mikael leave Niklaus alone a times.

Finn and Elias found seclusion in the woods during the village's eclipse celebration, with everyone engaged in festivities and dancing. Engrossed in a kiss, they were startled by the sound of twigs snapping underfoot, revealing a stunned Niklaus witnessing their embrace. In a flustered haste, Finn blurted out, "It's not what it looks like," trying to defuse the situation.

Breaking out of his initial shock, Niklaus sarcastically remarked, "So, you two weren't kissing?" Finn, filled with worry, quickly explained, "If Father finds out, he'll kill me, and I..."

Before Finn could finish, Elias, gripping a shaken Finn, turned to Niklaus and urged him to sit beside them. He firmly said, "Niklaus, now that you've discovered our secret, you must keep it. If you don't, you might never see me or Finn again." The seriousness in Elias's voice underscored the gravity of the situation and the risk they all faced.

Niklaus, sitting down next to them, took a moment to process the gravity of the situation. The shock on his face slowly transformed into an expression of understanding. He knew all too well the dangers of their father's wrath and the oppressive nature of their household. After a brief silence, he nodded solemnly, acknowledging the weight of the secret he was now entrusted with.

"I won't tell anyone," Niklaus assured them. His voice was low but sincere. "Your secret is safe with me." There was a sense of solidarity in his words, a recognition of the struggles they all faced under their father's rule.

Finn, visibly relieved but still tense, thanked Niklaus. He knew the risk they were taking, and Niklaus's support meant more than he could express. Elias, meanwhile, remained vigilant, understanding that their safety depended on the discretion of those who knew their secret.

As Niklaus walked away, Elias muttered, "Hoc secretum servare," which piqued Finn's curiosity. He turned to Elias and asked, "What did you just do?"

Elias responded calmly, "I made sure he won't accidentally or intentionally reveal our secret." His words carried a hint of reassurance.

Finn, holding Elias's hand and gazing into his green eyes, confessed, "God, I love you." The depth of his feelings was evident in his voice.

Elias, smiling affectionately, replied, "I love you too, you big teddy bear. Now, let's go enjoy the festivities."

Over the years, Finn had grown taller than Elias. While Elias stood at a respectable height of 5'11", Finn towered at 6'3".

Finn and Elias, hand in hand, made their way back to the village party, their hearts lighter with the secret safely shared with Niklaus. The village was alive with vibrant energy, illuminated by lanterns that cast a warm glow under the starry sky. The eclipse had brought an air of magic to the night, and the villagers were immersed in celebration, dancing and laughing around a large bonfire.

As they joined the festivities, Finn and Elias were greeted by the lively rhythms of traditional music. They found themselves swept up in the dance, moving to the beat with joyful abandon. Around them, people of all ages were laughing and celebrating, the worries of daily life forgotten for the night.

At a nearby stall, they grabbed cups of mead, They shared smiles and sips, their eyes sparkling with happiness. It felt like their love added to the festive atmosphere, even if it was a secret just between them.

Later, as they sat on a wooden bench, watching the dancers, Elias leaned against Finn, resting his head on his shoulder. They spoke softly, making plans and dreaming of a future where they could be open about their love. For now, though, they were content to be together, hidden in plain sight among the revelers.

The night wore on, and the eclipse reached its peak. Everyone in the village paused to watch as the moon cast a shadow, plunging the world into a temporary, eerie darkness.


Years later, the arrival of Tatia brought a noticeable change to the village. Her charm and charisma instantly caught the attention of Niklaus and Elijah, both of whom found themselves deeply captivated by her. However, despite the obvious affection from the two brothers, Tatia found herself inexplicably drawn to Elias. There was something about him that resonated with her, a connection she couldn't quite explain and hadn't felt with anyone else.

Tatia seemed to always be close to Elias, her interest in him evident in her persistent presence. "Elias, can you show me that place by the river you mentioned?" she would ask, following him closely. "And tell me more about your adventures. I find your stories so fascinating," she persisted,

"How many times must I repeat myself? I have no interest in your company. Both of the Mikaelson brothers are already drawn to you. What difference does my presence make? Don't presume me blind or ignorant to your nightly visits, one brother after the other, sneaking out of your hut. Enough! Leave me be, or I will not hesitate to seek counsel with the village elders. You and your son may find yourselves unwelcome here.", Elias said

As his harsh words echoed through the village square, the atmosphere seemed to respond to Elias's intense emotions. The sky darkened ominously, and the distant rumble of thunder underscored his threat. Struggling to contain his magic, Elias's anger hung in the air.

Tatia's persistent attention towards Elias was causing tension, especially for Finn. Frustrated and feeling possessive, Finn confronted Elias. "I can't stand how she won't leave you alone. I won't let her take you away from me. You're mine, only mine," he declared passionately, sealing his words with a kiss.

Their emotions intensified, and Finn's actions became more fervent. He gently kissed Elias's neck and, in a moment of passion, tore at Elias's shirt, revealing his chest. Gently lowering Elias to the ground, Finn's kisses trailed down his chest, stirring excitement and tenderness between them.

Elias caught up in the moment, responded with soft moans, affirming his commitment to Finn, "I'm all yours, darling."

Elias took off Finn's shirt revealing his muscled body, and smirked and revered their positions and kissed downs Finn's neck sucking and making sure it would leave a hickey; then he made his way to Finn's budge. He removed Finn's tunic and kissed up Finn's shaft, swallowing it whole while Finn rolled his eyes to the back of his head, letting out a groan in satisfaction.

One observation Elias had made about Finn was his protective nature. Despite Elias being capable of defending himself, Finn consistently displayed a possessive and protective attitude towards him.

This behavior is often manifested in subtle ways. Finn would stand a little closer when they were in a crowd or casually place a hand on Elias' shoulder in a protective gesture. It was as though Finn felt a deep-seated need to ensure Elias' safety, regardless of the situation. Elias found this both endearing and unnecessary, recognizing Finn's intentions as coming from a place of care and concern yet knowing his strength and ability to handle himself.



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