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Meanwhile, with Finn and Elijah
{ Lafayette Cemetery}

Sophie led Elijah and Finn through the cemetery, the gate creaking as she pushed it open. Elijah paused at the entrance, waiting for an invitation.

Sophie turned back to him, her eyes filled with desperation. "This is sacred ground, which means vampires must be invited in. But I'm beyond desperate... Please, come in."

Elijah crossed the threshold with Sophie's permission, cautiously entering the cemetery.

"We can talk freely here," Sophie said, her voice low and urgent.

Elijah wasted no time. "Then I suggest you start talking. What did your sister want with Niklaus?"

Sophie sighed heavily. "Isn't it obvious? We have a vampire problem, and we need help. Marcel has an army backing him. The witches have been trying to fight back. We hadn't had much luck until my sister Jane-Anne met a girl, a werewolf, who was passing through the quarter from a small town in Virginia. She had a special connection to your brother."

"What kind of connection?" Elijah pressed, his brow furrowing with deep concern, his voice tinged with worry.

" A child," Sophie spoke.

" That's impossible," Elijah said in disbelief.

Sophie glanced at Finn, who spoke up confidently. "Not really; Niklaus was born a werewolf but became a vampire. He is nature's loophole, and if this she-wolf is pregnant, we must help. After Valerie, we shouldn't rule out the possibility."

Elijah nodded in agreement, though a flicker of tension passed through him. Sophie continued, her voice gaining intensity. "Nothing is impossible, especially when it comes to your brother. Think about it – they call him the hybrid, right?"

With a command, Sophie summoned three witches, who emerged from the shadows, surrounding a confused and irritated Hayley, the pregnant werewolf girl.

Hayley's voice was sharp with irritation. "Who the hell are you?"

Elijah intervened gently. "Give us a moment, please."

While Elijah conversed with the she-wolf, Finn took the opportunity to speak with Sophie. "So, what has Marcel done?" he inquired, his tone measured.

Sophie sighed, her frustration evident. "Magic is banned under Marcel's rule. He kills witches who practice it. I want to overthrow him," she declared with conviction.

Finn chuckled softly, a hint of amusement in his voice. "I'm sure you know who taught Marcel to be who he is—his father. And I'm not talking about Niklaus. My husband, Elias, cares very much for Marcel, and I won't allow you or your witches to harm them. So, consider this a warning: any move against them, and I will end you," he stated firmly, the veins under his eyes pulsating as he he barred his fangs.

Without hesitation, Finn swiftly incapacitated a few of the witches, inadvertently knocking out Sophie, the she-wolf. He lifted her unconscious form, a silent warning to the remaining witches, before turning to Elijah, who picked up Hayley.

"What was that for?" Elijah inquired as they walked out of the cemetery.

Finn glanced at him, his expression solemn. "Your diplomacy isn't needed all the time. I did what was necessary and what Elias asked of me. The witch and the wolf are connected. Jane-Anne died linking the two, so what happens to Sophie happens to the wolf over there," he explained, nodding towards Hayley. "Elias briefed me before he left to go after Marcel. I only knocked out Sophie here to observe the effects. Elias is waiting for us at the plantation house," Finn said, his tone steady as he and Elijah swiftly vamped to their destination.


Elias whistled softly as he surveyed the Mikaelson compound from the second floor, observing the lively dance below. Marcel approached him, a hint of tension in the air.

"You go quiet the empire. Last time I was here, the witches weren't on your leash," Elias remarked cryptically.

Marcel nodded, gesturing towards two men standing nearby. "This is Thierry," he introduced, indicating the man with a trumpet, "and Diego. Both are extremely loyal to me."

Diego eyed Elias with a hint of defibnce. "And who are you supposed to be?" he challenged.

Without a word, Elias moved swiftly, tearing into Diego's neck before anyone could react. Diego screamed in agony, futilely attempting to fend off Elias's attack. When Elias finished, he turned to the beaten man with a chilling calmness.

"That's a hybrid's bite for you—paranoia and death," he remarked coolly. Before Marcel could interject, Elias continued, his voice commanding.

"The young man needed to learn a lesson not to mess with those far stronger and respected by his master," Elias declared, his gaze sweeping over the stunned onlookers.

Kneeling beside Diego, who clutched his bleeding neck, Elias spoke in a tone that brooked no argument. "I am Elias Mikaelson."

A heavy silence fell over the room as Elias addressed the other vampires. "I do not take disrespect lightly, especially not from a pathetic bunch of baby vamps," he asserted, his words echoing with authority.

Marcel stepped forward, seeking to diffuse the tension. "Forgive him, Dad. He didn't know who you were, and I take the blame for what he did. Can you heal him?" he asked, concern evident.

Elias smirked at Marcel's plea. "I'll let him learn his lesson first, then heal him. That was always the plan, son. After all, he is your left-hand man," he replied, his tone tinged with a sense of finality.

Marcel nodded, acknowledging Elias's decision with a mixture of resignation and understanding. He turned to Diego, who lay wounded on the floor and extended a hand to help him up.

"You heard him, Diego. Learn from this," Marcel said firmly, his tone brooking no argument.

Still reeling from the encounter, Diego nodded weakly, his eyes betraying a mix of fear and respect for Elias.

Elias used his psychic abilities to tell Marcel what he needed to know without anyone being the wiser.

Elias is going to be in his devil ERA

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