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Ayana informed Mikael and Esther that she had assigned Finn and Elias a task, which would keep them away for a week. Therefore, Finn and Elias had this duration to spend together, enjoying each other's company in the seclusion of the cave.

During that week, they found joy in each other's presence. Finn looked into Elias' eyes as they lay together and said, "Elias Mikaelson, that has a nice ring to it." Elias' eyes sparkled with a passionate fire as he replied, "Indeed, Elias Mikaelson does sound perfect, doesn't it? Mr. and Mr. Mikaelson - I like the sound of that."

As they lay there, wrapped in the comfort of their secluded world, they allowed themselves to dream of a future where their love could be as free and open as it felt in that moment. "Imagine a world where we could be just us, without fear," Finn whispered, his voice filled with hope.

Elias, with a tender look in his eyes, gently squeezed Finn's hand. "One day, perhaps. But for now, this cave, this moment with you, is all the world I need." They fell into a comfortable silence

Finn smiled softly, his gaze still locked with Elias'. "You always know how to make the best of everything, Elias. Even in this cave, you make it feel like home."

Elias chuckled, his heart warm with affection. "As long as I'm with you, any place feels like home. You're my sanctuary, Finn."

Their eyes conveyed more than words ever could, speaking volumes of their deep connection and unbreakable bond. Finn leaned in closer, his voice a gentle murmur. "Promise me, Elias, no matter what the world throws at us, we'll always find our way back to each other."

Elias nodded, his voice firm yet filled with emotion. "I promise, Finn. I'll always find my way back to you in this life and every other." Their words sealed a vow.


Life continued in its usual pattern for Finn and Elias, finding moments to be together in secrecy. On every full moon, they sought refuge in the caves beneath their village to shield themselves from the werewolves. One such night, Elias noticed Niklaus and Henrik slipping away. Foreseeing the potential danger, he resolved to intervene and alter the course of events.

Elias observed them depart, aware of the grim fate that awaited Henrik. Understanding the inevitability of what was to come, he had already been distancing himself emotionally from Henrik. Despite the foreboding sense of what was to occur, he made the difficult choice to let them proceed, accepting the unchangeable path that lay ahead.

Anticipating the need for aid, Elias had prepared healing ointments and salves in advance. With everything set, he closed his eyes, resigning himself to wait for the dawn, ready to face whatever the morning would bring.

As the villagers emerged from the caves and resumed their daily activities, the peace was shattered by Niklaus's cries for help, carrying Henrik's bloodied form. Elias, ever prepared, rushed to his aid, attempting to revive Henrik with healing spells and incantations. He fervently chanted, "Restart his cordis," channeling his magic into Henrik's heart in a desperate bid for revival. The entire Mikaelson family gathered around, watching anxiously as Elias worked to save their kin. Despite his efforts, there was no response. After tense, futile minutes, Ayana, with a heavy heart, placed her hand on her son's shoulder and gently said, "There's no point; the child has already lost his life."

"There must be something more you can do, Ayana," Esther implored through teary eyes, her voice filled with desperation.

With a grave expression, Ayana responded, "The spirits won't permit further intervention. As you've seen, Elias has attempted to restart his heart and heal him, but it's futile. Nature won't allow it; your son has already passed on."

Esther's grief was palpable, her hope diminishing with Ayana's words.

Esther, her voice trembling, looked around at her family, then back at Ayana. "But he's just a child... our child," she whispered, her voice breaking.

Ayana, her face etched with sympathy, replied softly, "I know, Esther. It's a cruel fate, and I wish I could change it. But some things, even with all our power, are beyond us."

Klaus, holding Henrik's lifeless form, spoke up, his voice strained with grief, "Is there truly no hope? No way to challenge this fate?"

Elias, feeling the weight of every eye upon him, spoke gently, "I've done all I can. The spells, the magic... it's not enough against the finality of death. I'm so sorry."

Fueled by anger and grief, Mikael confronted Niklaus, delivering blow after blow to his face. "It's your fault, boy! We don't leave the caves precisely to avoid this!" he shouted, each word punctuated by a punch.

Elias and the other Mikaelsons quickly intervened, pulling Mikael off Niklaus. They restrained the patriarch, trying to calm the situation amidst the chaos of emotions.

"Enough, Mikael! This violence solves nothing," Elias asserted, holding Mikael back firmly.

Mikael, undeterred and blinded by rage, made another lunge for Niklaus. Elias's voice rang out before he could reach him, "Ad Somnum!" Suddenly, Mikael slumped to the ground, unconscious.

Ayana hurried over to help Niklaus, her face etched with concern. She gently tended to his wounds, her healing touch soothing the physical marks of the altercation.

"Thank you, Ayana," Niklaus murmured, his voice weak from the ordeal.

"We must stand together, especially now," Ayana replied, her voice steady despite the turmoil.


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