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(Elias POV)

Lately, I have noticed some odd behavior around me. Mother and Finn seemed unusually close, often engaging in quiet, secretive conversations when they thought I wasn't paying attention. Despite the peculiarity of their actions, I chose not to pry. Trusting them was important to me, and delving into their private thoughts felt invasive and morally wrong.

This air of mystery didn't bother me too much. If anything, it piqued my curiosity, but I respected their privacy. I had faith in their intentions, believing that whatever they were planning or discussing was probably for a good reason.

As the days went by, I occasionally caught snippets of their conversations - nothing revealing, but enough to confirm that they were up to something. Their secretive glances and the sudden change in topic, whenever I approached hinted at a well-kept secret.

Yet, I refrained from confronting them or asking outright. Part of me enjoyed the suspense, but the other hated it. So I bided my time waiting for what the surprise was.

Finn's unease was palpable as we made our way to the secluded cave, a place that held an array of cherished firsts for us - our first open declarations of love, our first intimate moments together, and the first time we truly allowed ourselves to be vulnerable with one another. This cave was a sanctuary of our shared memories, a testament to the depth of our relationship.

Upon entering, I was struck by the breathtaking sight. The walls were adorned with stunning paintings depicting moments from our life together, and our names were elegantly carved into the stone. "This is beautiful, Finn," I exclaimed, awe-struck as I wandered around, admiring the intricate tapestries.

As I took in every detail, a thought occurred to me. "Did Niklaus create these? They have a style reminiscent of his work," I asked, my eyes tracing the familiar strokes that seemed to capture Niklaus's artistic signature.

The paintings were a visual narrative of our relationship, each brushstroke telling a story of laughter, love, and the quiet moments we shared. It was like walking through a gallery of our life, with each painting evoking a different memory.

As I admired a particularly touching piece, Finn's voice brought me back to the present. "There's something I want to ask you," he said, his tone suddenly serious. The anxiety that I had sensed earlier seemed to reach a crescendo.

He took a deep breath, and in the soft glow of the cave, under the watchful gaze of our painted memories, Finn got down on one knee. My heart skipped a beat as the significance of the moment dawned on me. This was it, another first, a pivotal moment in our lives.

As Finn knelt there, his eyes locked with mine, he took a ring from his pocket; it was beautiful.

"From the moment I met you, my life has been brighter, fuller, and infinitely more meaningful," Finn began, his voice trembling slightly with emotion. "You've been my rock, my joy, and my sanctuary. In this cave, where we've shared so many firsts, I want to ask you for another beginning."

He paused, taking a deep breath, and continued, "Will you marry me? Will you let me be your partner, confidant, and companion through all the adventures yet?"

Tears welled in my eyes as the weight and beauty of his words sunk in. This moment felt surreal, like a dream spun from the threads of our love. I stepped closer, kneeling before him and taking his hands in mine.

"Finn, you've been the light in my darkest days, the laughter in my happiest moments. There's nowhere I'd rather be than by your side. Yes, a thousand times, yes, I will marry you!" I immediately rushed down to Finn's level and gave him a heated kiss, expressing any emotions through it.

I put my heart into these rings," Finn said, his eyes shining. "Ayana helped with the enchantments. They're a symbol of our bond, our commitment to each other."

"Was this the surprise you were planning?" I asked, piecing together the recent events. "I overheard you and mother whispering when I wasn't around, and I noticed how often you've been visiting her hut lately." The puzzle was starting to make sense now, and I looked around, connecting the dots in my mind.

Finn's cheeks turned a soft shade of pink, and he replied with a simple yet meaningful "Yes." His blush revealed the care and thought he had put into the surprise.

I looked at the ring, feeling its weight and warmth. "It's perfect, Finn. And knowing Mother had a hand in it makes it even more special."

hand in this makes it even more special," I replied, my voice thick with emotion.

We sat down, side by side, looking at the paintings. Each one was a portal to a memory, a reminder of how far we'd come and the depth of our connection.

"You know, every time I look at these paintings, I'll remember this moment," I said, squeezing his hand. "The night you proposed, surrounded by the story of us."

Finn leaned his head on my shoulder. "And every time I see this ring, I'll be reminded of your 'yes', the promise we've made to each other," he whispered.

"Always and forever," I declared softly, my heart full.

"Always and forever," Finn echoed, his voice resonating with the same feeling. He carefully placed the ring on my finger with a gentle touch, sealing our promise.

Finn started to pepper kiss my neck, I let out a small moan in excitement. I removed my tunic along with his, and his lips made their way down my chest. ( Continue with the smut or not?)


Who chops off John Gilbert's fingers?

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