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After days of wandering, Elias finally tracked down a powerful witch. Without indulging in pleasantries, he tapped into her mind, twisting it so she would agree to perform a spell for him. She began to collect the necessary ingredients for the ritual.

Elias's intention was clear; he needed to know about his birth parents. There was a mystery surrounding his lineage; he knew that one or both might be from the other side.

Elias approached the witch, impatience lacing his tone, "Are you ready to perform the spell yet?" The witch, visibly taxed by the preparations, replied with a huff, "This is no simple feat. It's a complex and potent spell to draw someone from the other side."

Unmoved by her frustration, Elias retorted sharply, "Well, you have until tonight to sort it out, or you'll find yourself on the other side as well." His threat hung in the air

Elias stepped away, allowing the witch the space and concentration she needed. Hours later, she beckoned him over. In her hand was a knife. "I need some of your blood. It's crucial for a blood connection to draw your family's spirits."

she explained. Without hesitation, Elias sliced his palm, letting his blood drip into a bowl she held. Once he handed back the knife, she began chanting, adding herbs into the bowl. The air thickened with magic.

After her incantations, she handed the bowl back to Elias and instructed him to drink. He complied, feeling the potent magic swirl within him. "What now?" he inquired, wiping his mouth.

The witch smirked, her eyes gleaming with an unreadable intent. "Now, you die" she said using her magic to snap his neck.

As his vision started to blur into darkness, Elias glanced at the witch, his thoughts sharp with betrayal, "This bitch..."

Elias's eyes snapped open to a ghostly world, his gaze falling upon his lifeless body and the witch standing triumphantly. As he took in his new surroundings, he noticed a man and a woman who bore a striking resemblance to him, yet their eyes held nothing but contempt. With a smirk, he greeted them with a casual wave, "Hello, mother, father."

The woman's voice was ice as she spat out, "Don't you dare call us that, you abomination."

"Oh, come on, mother dearest, I'm your son," Elias retorted with a sneer.

"You are no son of mine. You know what you are," the man interjected coldly.

"Doesn't everybody?" Elias replied with a mocking tone. His expression sobered as he asked, "I'm just wondering why you abandoned me as a baby?" His question hung in the air, a challenge to the truth he had long sought.

"You weren't wanted. Your father and I never intended to have children. After you were born, I had him leave you in the woods, hoping the elements or creatures would take care of you. It would have been better to end you as an infant," she spat out with evident disgust. "Observing you from beyond, our decision was justified. You've become exactly what we feared, an affront to our lineage," she continued, her words laced with scorn.

Elias, upon hearing this, let out a resonating laugh that echoed in the ethereal space. He locked eyes with them, his gaze intensifying, the veins beneath pulsating and eyes glowing a fierce red. "Well, it's too late for regrets now. Despite your wishes, I've grown into a force to be reckoned with," he declared,

His parents' expressions twisted with a mix of anger and fear as Elias continued, "You see, every challenge, every abandonment, and betrayal I've faced has only fueled my rise."

The man, who had been silent, finally spoke, his voice cold and hard. "Your power means nothing. You are an aberration, a mistake that should have been rectified long ago."

Elias's smirk widened. "Yet here I am, and there you stand, powerless to change anything. I've outplayed you both, even from beyond the grave."

His parents, specters of their former selves, simmered with silent rage. "You think you've won, you think you're powerful, but you're nothing more than a blight," his mother hissed, her voice a venomous whisper.

His father's eyes narrowed, a cold, hard glint within them. "Your arrogance will be your undoing. We may be beyond your reach now, but remember, every dark deed, every drop of power you seek, it leads you further into damnation."

"I'm not here to quarrel; I merely seek answers about who you are," Elias stated, his voice carrying a hint of indifference. Focusing his psychic abilities, he attempted to compel them to divulge their identities. Unsure if it would work on the dead, he was nevertheless determined to try.

Under the influence of his power, the woman's voice turned monotonous, "Our names are Victoria Ragnardottir, of the Claire Coven, and my husband, Bjorn Thorson, an Alpha werewolf from the Malraux pack."

Elias's lips curved into a smile, satisfied with the ease of obtaining information. "See, it wasn't so hard to answer my question, was it?"

Bjorn's form bristled with a sudden fury, "What have you done to her?"

Elias's smile remained, cool and collected. "That's for me to know and for you to wonder about, isn't it?" His response was dismissive

"You may have forced this knowledge from us, but it won't ease your path," Victoria warned, her voice still echoing the robotic tone from the psychic compulsion. "Knowing our names and lineage changes nothing."

Elias, with a smirk playing on his lips, coolly regarded his spectral parents. "Well, I don't really care. I'm alive, more or less, while you're dead, trapped here for eternity. Meanwhile, I'm out there, living with immortality and power, free to do as I please, unlike you," he said, his voice tinged with a mix of mockery and triumph.


With his smirk still in place, Elias rose from where he lay. The room spun momentarily around him, a side effect of the spell's potency, but he quickly steadied himself. Though currently unburdened by emotional weight, his mind was racing with the implications of what he had just learned and experienced. He knew that in due time, he would have to confront the full impact of his encounter and the truths about his parentage, but for now, he allowed himself the luxury of detachment.

Elias approached the witch, still reeling from the spell's aftereffects. "Thank you," he said, his voice cold yet polite.

However, his next move was swift and final. "But I can't leave any loose ends," he murmured, almost to himself. Before she could react, he struck, draining her completely, ensuring her silence and the safety of his secrets. 



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