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"Say you can't sleep, baby, I know; that's me, espresso

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"Say you can't sleep, baby, I know; that's me, espresso."


"Push," the doctor urged Valarie as she clenched her hand tightly around Elias, drawing strength from him as she endured the pain. Stefan stood outside the room, accompanied by the Spellman family, Kai and Finn.

Valarie's screams filled the room, echoing with agony as she exerted herself. "Ahghgh!" she cried out, her voice nearly giving out as she strained against the overwhelming pain. "You're almost there; I can see the head," the doctor encouraged his voice a beacon of hope amidst the turmoil.

With each push, Valarie felt the waves of pain crash over her, but she persisted, determined to bring her child into the world. After what felt like an eternity, the first baby emerged with a cry that pierced the tension in the room. "It's a boy!" the doctor announced before swiftly passing the newborn to a nurse for examination.

But as Valarie prepared to push again, a rush of blood gushed forth, a chilling indication of trouble. Frantically, the medical team attempted to stem the flow to no avail. "She's hemorrhaging," the doctor declared grimly, his eyes darting between the pale forms of Valarie and Elias. "We have to perform an emergency C-section. She's losing too much blood."

As the medical team swiftly moved Valarie into the operating room for the emergency C-section, Elias's grip tightened around her hand, a silent plea for her to hold on. "Stay with me, Valarie," he whispered.

Inside the operating room, the atmosphere was tense as the doctors worked quickly to deliver the baby. With skilled precision, they removed the newborn from Valarie's womb, but the air was thick with apprehension. "It's a girl," one of the nurses announced softly, the news bittersweet in the face of the looming tragedy as Valarie had lost too much blood.

Elias's heart clenched at the sight of his daughter, a fragile life brought into the world amidst chaos. "She's beautiful," he murmured, his voice tinged with sorrow as he touched her tiny hand.

Despite the doctors' best efforts, they couldn't save her. Using his psychic abilities, Elias directed the nurses toward Valarie and the girl. Once they finished, he had them moved to a hospital room where Kai, Finn, Stefan, and Elias gathered. Valarie lay on the bed, her heartbeat silent.

"She'll revive soon. The twins'' blood courses through her veins," Elias assured the group.

"So, what do we name them?" Stefan asked, cradling the boy twin while Finn held the girl twin. Elias remained silent.

"For the girl, Amaya. After my mother, Lilian, for Valarie's guardian. Amaya Lillian Mikaelson," Elias suggested.

"And for the boy, I was thinking Henri, for my little brother who died," Elias continued; Stefan spoke up, "Henri Damien Salvatore-Mikaelson. Damien for my older brother," Stefan added, earning an eye roll from Elias at the hyphenated name.

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