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Elias decided to bring Freya back from the witches' house. With assistance from a member of his coven, he swiftly navigated the house, bypassing the chaos until he reached the upstairs room where her coffin lay. He opened the ancient coffin, coughing through the dust, and carefully carried Freya's body to place it in one of the coffins in his basement.

Immediately after, he sought out Finn, taking his hand and gathering the rest of the Mikaelson family in the living room.

"Gather around. I have something important to reveal," Elias began, his voice serious. "We've all been led to believe that Freya died from illness as a child. That's a lie fabricated by Esther to protect her from Mikael. What happened is a story only Finn knows in full."

He turned to Finn, seeking his consent. "Finn, would you allow me to share your memories with everyone here?"

With a nod of trust and agreement from Finn, Elias prepared to unveil the truth about Freya's fate

Elias facilitated the sharing of Finn's memories, and they all witnessed the tragic reality of how Freya was given away to Dahlia.

After the revelation, tears streaming down her face, Rebekah turned to Finn. "Brother, why didn't you ever tell us?"

Finn's voice, tinged with the pain of old wounds, replied, "Mother demanded my silence. She instilled the fear that if I spoke, Father would harm us, and Dahlia would return to claim not just Freya but all of us. So, I said nothing, closed off my feelings, and attached myself to Elias."

Niklaus, his anger boiling over, unleashed a tirade against their mother. "That woman...our mother, she's a harlot, a liar!" he roared, his voice filled with betrayal and fury. "To sacrifice her child, to lie and manipulate us for years!"  

Elias stepped forward, his voice calm yet filled with an undeniable intensity. "She is the cause of our suffering," he declared. "She never shielded Niklaus from Mikael's abuse, manipulated Finn into silence, and, together with Mikael, transformed us into vampires. Because of her, Rebekah can never bear children, and both Kol and I were stripped of our magic." His words resonated with the painful truth 

"Hell, she's why I was trapped in a cave for two centuries. Mikael was the one who drove the white oak stake into my heart, but it was her deceit and manipulations that led to it, tearing Finn and me apart," Elias continued, his frustration evident.

The room fell into a heavy silence, each sibling processing the depth of their mother's betrayal. Klaus, still seething with anger, added, "She manipulated us all, turned us against each other, and for what? Her twisted sense of control?"

Taking a deep breath to steady himself, Elias addressed the group, "She no longer holds any power over us. After centuries of searching and exhausting every resource, I've found Freya." He gestured for them to follow him to the basement, where a sealed coffin lay.

"I had one of my witches analyze the spell," Elias explained as they stood before the coffin. "It's a slumber spell, granting a form of semi-immortality. Freya and Dahlia are bound together through it. Every year they wake, they must sleep for a hundred, allowing their magic to grow."

As they all absorbed the details, Niklaus paced back and forth, his expression clouded with suspicion. Finally, he stopped and voiced his concerns, "Are we certain that's Freya in there? After all these years, all these lies, how can we be sure it's not another trick, another trap?"

Elias met his brother's wary gaze. "I understand your caution, Nik, but I've verified it through every means available. The magic signature, the history, everything points to her. It's Freya."

Niklaus let out a deep, unsettled sigh. "I hope you're right, Elias.

Rebekah, peering at the unconscious Freya, couldn't help but express a hint of relief and excitement. "At last, another girl in the family and a sister no less," she remarked softly.

Kol, ever fascinated by powerful magic, whistled lowly. "That's some serious magic. To bind and draw power over centuries...Dahlia's craft is dangerously impressive." His voice carried a mix of awe and wariness  

Kol's comment prompted Elias to add, "You're right. I had one of my witches attempt to break the spell, but it was too risky. Tampering with it might also awaken Dahlia, and we can't afford that. But don't worry, Freya will awaken in due time."

As Elias scanned the room, he noticed Finn's fixed gaze on Freya. Walking over, he asked, "Are you alright, love?" Finn turned and embraced Elias tightly, whispering a heartfelt "Thank you" before planting a gentle kiss on him and returning his attention to Freya.

Seeing Finn's concern, Elias softly suggested, "Even though she's asleep, you can still connect with her. Just enter her mind, talk to her there."


A year swiftly passed, and upon Marcel's return, it was evident he had transformed. Not in appearance, but in demeanor; he carried himself with a newfound maturity. To celebrate his return, Elias organized a welcome back party, a joyous occasion that everyone relished.

During the festivities, Elias took a moment to introduce Marcel to the slumbering Freya, adding another layer to the family's complex tapestry. Later, as the party wound down, Elias pulled Marcel aside and inquired, "So, tell me about your experiences. What have you learned from your time away?"

Marcel's eyes lit up with the memories of his journey as he began to recount his experiences to Elias. "Europe was incredible, Dad. I met so many different people, each with their own stories and wisdom to share."

He continued with a smile, "And the food! I tried dishes I never even knew existed. Flavors and spices that completely changed my idea of what food could be.

Marcel's expression grew wistful as he moved on to a more delicate subject. "And the women... I met many wonderful people. They were all so different, beautiful in their own ways. It's hard to describe, but each one taught me something new, about love, life, or just about myself."

Elias, beaming with pride and happiness at Marcel's growth, gently steered the conversation to a more personal topic. "And what about your feelings for rebekah"

Marcel hesitated for a moment, collecting his thoughts. "Well, Dad, Europe gave me a lot of perspective. I'll always care for Rebekah; she's been a significant part of my life. But those intense feelings I once had... they've changed. I met so many different people, experienced so much, and it made me realize that what I felt for Rebekah might not have been the complete love I thought it was."

He looked up at Elias, his eyes clear and specific. "My love for her has evolved into something more like affection for a dear friend. It's not the passionate, all-consuming love I once believed. I'm grateful for our time together, but I know now that moving forward is the right path for me."

Elias listened, understanding the bittersweet nature of Marcel's revelation. "I'm proud of you, Marcel. It takes courage to see the truth in your heart and even more to act on it. Whatever your path, know that I'll always support you."

Elias nodded thoughtfully, then gently suggested, "I believe it's time for you to share this with Rebekah. She's been waiting for your return. Just remember to let her down gently, alright?" 

Marcel nodded in understanding and, taking a deep breath to steady himself, headed towards Rebekah to have the much-anticipated conversation.



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