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If there was anything Elias knew he wanted, it was a pack to follow his only word, so he orchestrated for a pack of werewolves to be attacked.

Elias's manipulation of the situation was a carefully orchestrated plan. He observed the feral wolf pack for weeks, understanding their nomadic way of life. The night after the full moon, he decided to take action. Elias discreetly dispatched a group of vampires to engage the wolves, well aware that it could potentially weaken them.

The vampires attacked, and a fierce, chaotic battle ensued between the two groups. It was a brutal scene, but Elias monitored the situation closely. As the wolves fought valiantly, Elias determined they had sustained enough damage. He had no intention of seeing them annihilated.

With swift and calculated moves, he intervened, eliminating the vampires he had sent to attack the wolves. Elias snapped necks and tore out hearts, leaving a trail of carnage behind. As the surviving wolves gathered protectively around their wounded alpha, one of them spoke up, his voice heavy with suspicion. "What do you want, leech?" he challenged.

Elias smirked, surveying the wounded pack. "I came to help," he replied smoothly. "I heard the commotion and couldn't stand by while you were attacked. If I hadn't stepped in, you'd all be dead."

The wolves exchanged uneasy glances, torn between their natural wariness of vampires and the apparent act of salvation. The injured alpha, laboring to speak through her wounds, finally addressed Elias. "Why help us? What do you gain?"

Elias shrugged with an air of indifference. "Let's just say I'm not fond of unnecessary carnage."

"Moreover, your alpha seems severely hurt; a bit of my blood could restore her," Elias offered, as the wolves growled in response. But a female voice among them called for calm. "Stop, we must thank the stranger; he's saved us from certain death. Let him approach."

The alpha, after a moment of hesitation and a calculating look at Elias, finally acquiesced. She gingerly approached and drank from Elias's offered wrist. The healing properties of his blood worked quickly, mending her wounds and restoring her strength.

The pack watched in a mix of awe and disbelief as their alpha's vigor returned, her injuries healing before their eyes. The female wolf who had spoken earlier now stepped forward. "Thank you," she said, her voice reflecting genuine gratitude.

As the alpha regained her full strength, she faced Elias with newfound respect. "You've given us a great service today. Your unexpected kindness in such a brutal world won't be forgotten. If there's ever a way to repay you, we will."

"Why don't you submit to me," Elias suggested, his voice laced with the compelling power of his psychic abilities, attempting to sway the alpha into relinquishing her power to him.

Feeling the invasive push of his will, the alpha stiffened, her instincts raging against the unnatural influence. "What are you doing?" she snarled, her pack growling in support, sensing the shift in the air.

Elias's eyes narrowed, focusing his power. "It's a simple proposition. You lead a powerful pack, but with me, you could be part of something even greater. Consider it... a partnership of sorts," he proposed, the undercurrent of his psychic influence weaving through his words.

The alpha, struggling against the compulsion, glared at him. "We are not pawns for your games, vampire," she spat out, resisting the urge to yield. "Our pack is not for sale or submission."

Elias locked eyes with her, the red glint intensifying in his gaze. "You see, I'm not merely a vampire; I'm also a werewolf, a hybrid, unshackled by the constraints of the sun or moon. I represent a superior evolution of our kind, and I can elevate you to greater heights. You've already tasted my blood. With a simple snap of the neck, you could become stronger, faster , and gain mastery over your shifting," he explained, raising his hand for all to see as it began to transition, showcasing the emerging fur and formidable claws of his hybrid nature.

The alpha and her pack watched, a mix of fear and fascination evident in their eyes as they witnessed what had never been seen before.

Elias turned his gaze to the rest of the pack, addressing them with a compelling tone, "Aren't you tired of the vulnerability of being prey to vampires who consider you mere sport? With my alliance, you will ascend to the apex of the food chain, no longer subjected to their mercy. So, what do you say, Alpha? Will you consider my proposal? I'll return tomorrow morning, giving you and your pack time to deliberate," he said, then left.

Before departing, Elias subtly wove a mental block, ensuring they couldn't discuss his proposition or even mention him to others, a safeguard to maintain the upper hand and the element of surprise upon his return.


Elias returned at dawn, his wolf form a magnificent and intimidating sight, larger and more powerful than any of the pack members. His appearance was a calculated display of the strength and dominance he could offer them. Approaching the alpha, he shifted back into human form and inquired, "Are you ready to make your choice?"

Stephanie, the Alpha, had weighed the proposition carefully. "I have discussed it with my pack. Some of us are willing to join you and become hybrids, while the others will pledge their loyalty but remain human," she declared.

Elias's smile widened at the response, a satisfied glint in his eyes. He addressed the pack, "Those who wish to embrace this new power, come and drink my blood. The rest, I advise you to stay indoors; I wouldn't want any accidents during the transition." His smile was cold, underlining the gravity of their choice.

Elias fed his blood to his new pack members, then snapped their necks to start their transformation into hybrids. Knowing they would awaken later, he left the village and used his powers to compel six humans to follow him, continuing his plan.

As each of the transitioning wolves began to awaken, Elias instinctively knew he needed to complete the process. He had prepared a bowl filled with his own blood in anticipation. Handing it to each of the newly formed hybrids, he instructed, "Drink this, and your transformation will be complete," and they did so, their eyes flashing a scarlet red before becoming their amber-yellow. 



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