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In 1850, Elias aimed to colonize the yet-undiscovered Mystic Falls. Upon arrival, they found the Bennett witches, who had fled to the area. Elias offered them protection against both supernatural threats and the era's prevalent slavery in return for their service and allegiance. After some hesitation, the Bennett witches agreed, valuing the safety and freedom Elias promised.

Elias expended much of his power to uphold the promise of protection to the Bennett witches. Despite the cost, the outcome was fruitful. He successfully unified the Bennett witches with his coven and pack, driven by a personal motive. He wanted to protect the Bennett witches as a tribute to his mother, Ayana.

Elias took a decisive step to secure the future of Mystic Falls and its inhabitants by purchasing the land and the surrounding areas. He then entrusted the deeds to his coven, ensuring that the territory would be under the guardianship and control of those aligned with his vision and commitment to protection. With this strategic move, he fortified the safety and autonomy of the community he helped build.

Having solidified this legacy, Elias left Mystic Falls and returned to his family. When questioned about his whereabouts or the nature of his recent endeavors, he remained enigmatic, not disclosing the full extent of his actions or the new alliance he had fostered. 


Ten years later, Elias and two witches approached a large steamboat. Inside, it was eerily quiet. Elias told the witches to stay behind as he investigated. Soon, he heard a woman's desperate voice.  

"Please, keep it from Lilly," she begged.Julian's voice was cold and threatening. "Don't worry, you won't be telling anyone," he sneered before striking Valerie. 


Fearful for herself and her unborn child, Valerie begged for mercy. Julian, however, launched into a bitter tirade, "You think you can ruin my plans? This child changes nothing; your pregnancy changes nothing." He made his way towards Valerie, attempting to attack her once again, but Elias vamped in and ripped out Julain's heart. 

Valarie looked up at him and whispered " S..Stefan" 

Elias looked at her and said, "You got the wrong person, but I'm here to help." 

He went to her and bit into his wrist, feeding it to Valerie and healing her, then knocked her out. Not wanting more complaints, he put her into his arms and walked out of the boat, but not before having one of the witches light it on fire. 

 Looking at the unconscious Valerie, Elias listened carefully and could hear a little heartbeat in her, beating like a hummingbird. He had accomplished his goal for the day. Elias placed Valerie on the floor, watching his coven do their magic. 

They chanted, " Magi some et immortalis. Binde oss. tem dormet et animam suam coniungat illi." he bit into his wrist once again, letting his blood drip onto her forehead; he watched as the blood melded into her skin, leaving a mark on her forehead. The spell was simple but effective. It had two purposes: to put Valerie into a protective sleep for her and her baby's safety and to link her life to his, keeping her safe from aging or diseases.  

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