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Days passed, and Elias remained steadfastly by Finn's side throughout them. He provided a shoulder for Finn to cry on, listening intently as Finn shared his deepest emotions. Elias also extended his support to the rest of the Mikaelson family; every night, Ayana prepared meals, and Elias delivered them. Additionally, he assisted Esther in maintaining the household, helping to keep order and comfort in a time of immense grief.

Their home, usually a place of strength and unity, was now filled with a somber air, each member dealing with the loss in their own way. Elias's presence and help, though a small comfort, became a consistent reminder of the bond and support within the family, offering a semblance of stability amidst the heartache.

As the family moved through their period of mourning, the day of Henrik's funeral arrived. Everyone gathered solemnly by the river, eyes fixed on Henrik's body, which lay atop a wooden pyre set adrift. As the current carried him gently away, Mikael, his expression a mix of sorrow and solemnity, took an arrow, lit it with fire, and skillfully launched it towards the pyre. The flames caught quickly, engulfing Henrik's body in a ceremonial farewell.

Standing firm amidst the emotional scene, Mikael declared, "It's time for a feast," signaling the transition from mourning to celebrating Henrik's life, as was their tradition - a testament to the cycle of grief and remembrance.

In accordance with their beliefs that the deceased should be celebrated, the community came together to host a grand feast in Henrik's honor. Villagers gathered, each person contributing to the event as a vibrant tribute to the young life lost. Throughout the celebration, individuals took turns sharing stories and anecdotes of Henrik, painting a picture of his spirit and the memories he left behind. The air, though tinged with sadness, was also filled with laughter and fond recollections, as the community united to commemorate a life that, though brief, had touched them all.

As the feast carried on, Ayana stood, raising her glass in a silent signal for attention. "Today, we gather not just in sorrow, but in celebration of Henrik," she began, her voice resonating with a mix of grief and strength. "Let us share our memories and let the joy he brought us live on."

As the feast carried on, Ayana stood, raising her glass in a silent signal for attention. "Today, we gather not just in sorrow, but in celebration of Henrik," she began, her voice resonating with a mix of grief and strength. "Let us share our memories and let the joy he brought us live on."

Kol, his eyes alight with fondness for past escapades, addressed the gathering. "Henrik, oh, he was a true Norse imp. We'd hatch plans under the midnight sun, our latest being the sheep swap during the Midsummer festival."

Laughter and nods rippled through the crowd as he continued, "We herded the sheep into the wrong pens! By morning, the whole village was in an uproar trying to sort them. Henrik was at the heart of it all, his laughter echoing off the fjords."

An elder spoke up, a smile creasing his weathered face. "And the time he replaced the mead with water at the feast! Warriors were toasting their victories and ended up spluttering and confused. That boy, he had the spirit of Loki in him."

As the night wore on, the fire's glow cast a warm light over the faces of the villagers, reflecting the lively spirit of the celebration Esther spoke up, " Henrik and his wooden sword," she began, "He'd challenge anyone he met to a duel, declaring himself the future protector of our lands."

Murmurs of agreement and soft chuckles spread through the crowd. "He was fearless," a warrior added, his tone laced with respect. "One day, he declared he'd sail to distant lands and battle monsters. I told him he'd be a great Jarl one day, and he puffed up with pride."

As each person shared their piece of Henrik's story


Elias was visiting the Mikaelson household, where Esther had invited him for a thank you dinner. As they dined in silence, the atmosphere was somber until Esther presented a bottle of wine, distributing it to each guest. Elias, along with everyone else, raised their glass when Mikael solemnly declared, "This drink is in memory of Henrik." They all took a sip, honoring the moment with a toast to the absent Henrik.

As the dinner continued in its solemn mood, Mikael abruptly left the room, returning moments later with a swift and shocking action. He thrust a sword through Elias's chest, leaving the room in chaos. As Elias's vision faded to black, the last things he perceived were the shouts of the Mikaelson siblings and the concerned expression on Finn's face, marking a dramatic and treacherous turn in the evening.

In a swift and protective reaction, Josephine immediately positioned herself atop Elias's chest, shielding him in an attempt to protect his body amidst the chaos.

Instead of the encompassing darkness, Elias found himself on the other side, observing his lifeless form and those of the others from a distance. As he scanned the eerie landscape, he caught a glimpse of a figure. Intrigued, he followed, eventually confronting her: a woman with dark skin, clothed in ancient attire. "Qetsiyah," he whispered, recognizing her from tales told. A knowing smirk curved her lips. "It seems my reputation precedes me," she remarked. Elias, recalling his mother's stories, engaged her in conversation, curious about her presence. "You stand out among the others, Elias. Unlike the typical doppelgängers drawn to their counterparts, you've chosen a different path, one less predictable," Qetsiyah observed with a hint of amusement.

"Rather than gravitating towards Tatia, like others before you, you chose Finn as your partner-a rare deviation indeed," Qetsiyah noted, her voice tinged with a mixture of surprise."Your unique choices have certainly amused, Elias," she said.

Elias, absorbing the weight of her words, responded, "I never intended to entertain or amuse. My heart led me where it did, without concern for ancient patterns or expectations."

Qetsiyah's smile softened slightly, "And that's what makes you so fascinating. You've broken the mold and charted a new course.

Gradually, Elias began to fade,. Qetsiyah watched him with an enigmatic smile. "Our time is up for now, but we shall meet again," she remarked, her laughter echoing as he dissipated. Suddenly, Elias was thrust back into his body, a sharp gasp for air marking his return to the living world, his consciousness reawakening with a jolt.


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