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Finn had been distancing himself from Elias ever since their unexpected kiss. Whenever Elias was around, Finn would become silent and uncommunicative, clearly uncomfortable. Elias made efforts to mend their relationship, but Finn consistently evaded him. Respecting Finn's boundaries, Elias decided to wait, understanding that Finn would speak to him when he was ready. Meanwhile, Elias was concentrating on exploring and strengthening his psychic abilities.

Elias, with his burgeoning psychic abilities, decided to push the boundaries of his powers. He chose Ivar, a man known for being troublesome and generally avoided by others, as his test subject. Utilizing his magic, Elias gently put Ivar into a deep sleep. Sitting before the unconscious Ivar, Elias first tuned into his emotions, which he could sense clearly. He then focused intently, attempting to access Ivar's stray thoughts.

After several hours of concentration and repeated attempts, Elias's efforts seemed futile. But he persisted, determined to make a breakthrough. On his final attempt, something shifted. At first, it was a faint murmur, almost invisible. Elias concentrated harder, and the murmur grew into a small, distinct voice. As he focused, the voice became louder and more precise.

'Why do they always see me as the tough troublemaker? They don't know anything about me, about my struggles.' he could hear that from Ivar's thoughts; not wanting to intrude more he left and headed back home.

Elias devoted the following weeks to honing his abilities. He discovered that while delving deep into someone's mind required significant effort, picking up on their stray thoughts was relatively effortless. He also noted that the stronger a person's willpower, the easier it was to resist and break free from his mental grasp. This realization led him to a new strategy: he began to focus on understanding and mapping out individuals' varying degrees of mental strength.

Elias started categorizing people based on their susceptibility to his powers, ranging from those who were highly resistant to those who were easily influenced. As he explored these nuances, he refined his technique to make his intrusions more subtle and less detectable. This period of intense practice not only sharpened his skills but also deepened his understanding of them.

As Elias continued to explore the depths of his abilities, he also began to encounter the complexities and challenges that came with it. He realized that while he could access the thoughts of others, he couldn't always control the emotional impact this had on him. At first, he could pick up on surface-level emotion, but now he could feel what the person felt.

Elias realized before he jumped into others' thoughts, he needed to learn how to withstand their emotions. The emotional turmoil of others started to bleed into his own psyche, making it difficult for Elias to distinguish between his feelings and those he absorbed from the people around him. This blurring of emotional boundaries was disorienting and often overwhelming. He found himself swayed by the moods and sentiments of others, experiencing joy, sorrow, anger, and fear that were not originally his.

Elias realized that this aspect of his ability required careful management. He began to practice mental and emotional grounding techniques, trying to create a buffer between himself and the emotions he encountered. Meditation, mindfulness, and focusing exercises became part of his daily routine, helping him to center himself and maintain his emotional balance.


"Elias, there's an urgent situation a few villages over," Ayana explained. "They're dealing with an outbreak of sickness, and I need you to go there to assist them with your healing skills."

Elias nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. He had been training under his mother's guidance to use his healing abilities, and this was an opportunity to put his skills into practice in a real-world scenario.

"Of course, Mother," Elias responded, taking the healing bag. "I'll leave right away. Do we know what kind of sickness it is?"

Ayana shook her head, her expression serious. "It's unclear, but the symptoms are severe and spreading quickly. Fever, weakness, and in some cases, delirium. Your training should be sufficient to help ease their suffering and identify the cause."

Elias felt a mix of nervousness and determination. This was a significant responsibility, but he was ready to face the challenge. He quickly gathered a few necessary items, including herbs, salves, and tools for diagnosis and treatment.

"Remember, Elias, use your judgment wisely," Ayana advised. "Help as many as you can, but don't overextend yourself. Your safety is important, too."

Before departing, Elias felt compelled to bid farewell to Finn. He made his way to the Mikaelson residence, where young Rebekah greeted him at the door. Her big blue eyes sparkled with curiosity as she saw him. "Hey, big brother Elias, what brings you here?" she inquired.

Elias smiled and gently patted her head. "Is Finn around?" he asked.

"He's by the river," Rebekah replied.

"Thanks, Bex," Elias said, handing her a homemade sweet. The gesture brought a giggle and a warm hug from Rebekah, who always enjoyed his visits. With a light heart, Elias then headed towards the river to find Finn.

Elias made his way to the river, where he often found Finn in moments of solitude. The gentle sound of the flowing water and the rustling leaves created a peaceful backdrop. As he approached, he saw Finn sitting on the riverbank, lost in thought, gazing at the water.

Finn turned as he heard Elias's footsteps. His expression, usually guarded, softened slightly upon seeing Elias. "Elias," he greeted a hint of surprise in his voice.

"I'm heading out for a while. Not sure when I'll be back."

Elias began, sitting down beside him. "There's a sickness in the neighboring villages, and my mother needs me to help."

Finn's eyes showed concern. "Is it serious?"

"Quite serious," Elias replied. "But I've been trained for this. I just... wanted to say goodbye before I left."

There was a moment of silence between them, filled with unspoken words and emotions. Finn looked down, fidgeting with a small stone. "Elias, about that... that day," he started, hesitating.

But before Finn could continue, Elias acted on an impulse. He leaned in and kissed Finn. It was a gentle, tentative touch at first, but as emotions swelled, the kiss deepened, growing more passionate.

Surprised at first, Finn soon responded with equal fervor, their earlier hesitations melting away in the intensity of the moment. The world around them seemed to fade, leaving just the two of them, connected in a way that words had failed to express.

As they finally broke apart, both were breathless, their eyes meeting in a shared understanding. Elias, with a soft smile, said, "I needed to do that, before I left."

Finn, still processing the moment, nodded, a mix of astonishment and happiness in his eyes. "Elias, be careful out there," he managed to say, his voice filled with a new warmth.

Elias stood up, feeling a surge of confidence and clarity. "I will. And we'll talk more when I return," he promised.

With a final, meaningful look, Elias turned and began his journey toward the villages, his heart lighter and his purpose clearer.  


How many episodes does it take for Elena to figure out that Stefan is a vampire? 


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