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This note is more towards returning readers, if you're new, I'd recommend skipping to the first chapter "Future Plans" as some of the info here may spoil some things. Thanks for understanding.

Nonetheless, welcome and thank you for coming by to read. I hope you enjoy the story.
Hello all,

So I have read through every single one of my DDLC writings. I cringed at some parts, aww'd at others, shook my head a couple times and even gave myself a "huh, how'd I come up with that?" At certain sections.

And of course, I have you all to thank for keeping me motivated to keep on writing. You all are stellar, and although I know my stories weren't the best in the world, the best on the platform, or even the best in your libraries, I appreciate all those who read them, even if you didn't stick around to the end of whatever series you were on.

So as of right now, I've decided to put them back up, however I'll be uploading them in sections. Some slight, and I mean very slight changes may be made. I noticed that while typing I seem to skip words and sometimes the lines or paragraph don't make sense, so I'll try to fix those. Just light things though, I don't want to make too many changes as I've come to realize something while reading over these.

I wrote these several years ago, and as much as some parts made me tightly shut my eyes, put my fist to my chest like I'm trying to grab my heart and hiss air through my teeth...

They're still my writings and they're like, a memory. No matter the quality, it's interesting to see what I decided to put onto paper at the time. I've already gotten to the age where I can look back and say "Hey give me a break, I wrote that years ago!" So I'm going to keep them as is for the most part and although there may some changes, they'll likely be so unnoticeable that even if someone were to have kept a copy of my writing word for word, they likely still wouldn't have picked up on the changes.

Also I like to read comments, and I think if I make a change to a line or paragraph that one of you guys commented on, it just moves it to like, a general comment, and not a comment for that line in particular. Not 100% sure how true this is but if I can prevent that well that would be lovely.

Now before we begin, since these are all gonna be rereleased, and not all at once, I don't wanna blow up your notifications, let me explain how the different series' go.

Just Monika is always the start. You have three main series':

Love. Main. Hate.

Love has the kindest decisions.

Hate has the meanest decisions.

Main has what you guys picked the first time.

Just Monika is where it all starts and the route changes depending on which Yuriality story you read, Yuriality being the second book in the series.

Also don't worry about referencing this chapter for future use, the beginning of each book will tell you where you should be coming from. For the order of the stories, you're gonna go like this.

Just Monika, Yuriality Main Alternative (True Love)

Just Monika, Yuriality, Sweet Natsuki, Sayo-Nara

Just Monika, Yuriality Main Alternative (Devastation), Libitina

The Love Series had a third planned story but I never got to it. There's also another Yuriality Alternative that isn't part of any of the above main series that's called "Broken Love" and doesn't have a continuation, it was one made up of one of my reader's choices. If you're curious though, it's worse than the Main series but a little better than the Hate series. I'll put it up sometime also.

And that's that. I'll also have the Series separated on my wattpad page for easy navigation when they're all up.

And without further ado, here it is.

Hello everyone, NotIt22 here. Here's a writing by me, NotIt22. I don't own the character Monika, those rights go to Team Salvato. The names used in this story are made up, and any names used that may be similar to those in real life are just a coincidence. And now I present to you all, a past created fanfiction of my own.

"Just Monika"

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