Sleepy Afternoon

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I woke up to a knock on the door.

"Danny," Keith called from outside.

"Yeah," I asked.

"Could I come in?"


He came through the door and saw me and Monika lying in bed together.

"Why are you guys still asleep, it's already four!"

Shoot, I hadn't realized.

"Really? Shoot."

As soon as I sat up, I got the sudden urge to lie back down and fall asleep. I overslept, causing me to feel drowsy.

"Yeah, but if you're still tired, you can go back to sleep. I just wanted to check up on you guys."

"I think I'll be getting up in a bit. I'll wake up Monika also."

"Alright, I'll be upstairs if you need anything."

"Okay, thanks Keith."

He exited the room and I lied back down with Monika. I did my best to let my body rest while staying awake. But when you're drowsy and lying next to someone you love, it's almost impossible to stay awake.

Nonetheless, I managed to stay awake for the next ten minutes before getting out of bed. I brushed my teeth before going back to the room where Monika was sleeping. I gently moved her shoulder to wake her up.


She moved a little, but stayed asleep. I moved her a little more

"Monika, we need to get up. It's already four."

She moved a little more and stretched before rubbing her eyes. She slowly sat up, but her face looked like she'd rather be doing other things.

"Sorry to wake you my darling, but it's already the afternoon. You want another coffee?"

The first one didn't seem to help, but maybe another one would.

"It's fine, and I'm alright, but thank you."

I guess not.

"Alright. Well, what do you wanna do today?"

"I don't know, I feel really tired though."

"I'm sure a little movement will do us good. You wanna go to the park?"

She yawned. "Sure."

I went upstairs to let Keith know that Monika and I would be going to the park. Maybe he'd wanna come along too.

I entered Keith's room. He was using his computer. "Hey Keith, Monika and I are gonna head to the park. You wanna come along?"

He turned to me. "Yeah sure."

"Alright cool. Monika and I will be waiting downstairs. Let us know when you're ready."

"Wait Danny, before you go, I wanted to ask you about something."

I approached him. "What's up?"

"Okay, so you're good with computers right? Well I was wondering if we could find a way to like, uh, like, you know..."

"If I could find a way to do what?"

"Well, maybe you could make Sayori come out of the computer just like Monika did."

"Ah well Keith, I'm gonna be honest. I didn't even know that it was possible for Monika to do what she did. And I'm pretty sure she's the only who can do it, with her being a sentient being and the like." I giggled. "You got a thing for Sayori?"

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