"Oh Hi, Monika"

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I started thinking about some of the good times we had together. Then I started thinking of the bad times. I had always been insecure about what people thought of me, and my ex didn't help with that. She had spread rumors about how I would hit her. A lot of people said they believed me when I told them it wasn't true, but I couldn't help but feel like some of them were lying. I caught myself making fake scenarios in my head and talking to myself while I thought about it.

"I did not hit her, it's bullshit! You know I wouldn't hit her. I didn't hit her!"

Monika suddenly walked through the door.

"Oh hi, Monika."

"Hey Danny. What are you doing?"

"Oh, I was just watching a movie."

She lied in bed next to me. "Are you sure that was all you were doing?"

"Uh, yeah."

"I heard you talking to yourself. Is everything alright? You sounded stressed."

"Nah, everything's alright," I said.

She gave me a gentle smile. "It's alright Danny, you can talk to me about anything. What's stressing you out?"

I sighed. "It's really nothing. I was just thinking about my ex. Just memories I guess."

"It's okay. It can be a little hard to let go of the past, so we sometimes need a distraction."

"I know, but I tend to start thinking a lot when I'm alone."

Her smile widened. "Then I won't leave you alone. I'll be your distraction!"

I could feel myself blushing. "Thanks Monika."

She moved closer to me. "Tell me a little bit about you.'

I paused the movie with the remote.

"Ah well, I don't really think there's much to say, really. I guess, I like computers. I like to mess with computer hardware and I'm hoping to learn about computer software. I also like cars. I'm trying to learn about the parts and hopefully work with them someday. And I guess I have my fair share of love for knives. I think they're pretty cool, and I own a couple of them."

"Hey that's pretty cool. And what about tea?"

"Tea? What about it?"

"Do you like it?"

"Uh, yeah. I'm pretty fond of it. Why?"

Monika giggled. "No reason, just wanted to know. I like tea, too."

"Ah well, uh, nice."

"So what other things do you like," Monika asked.

"Ah well, I guess I also have an interest in writing stories. And on some occasions, I make videos for YouTube."

"Oh yeah, I saw some of your videos on your friends history." An embarrassed look grew on her face. "Along with some other things..."

I suddenly realized I was glad that she didn't come out of my computer.

"Wait, you saw my videos? But they suck!"

She smiled. "I like them. You seem so shy in some of them. It's cute!"

"Ah, thanks Monika. I just wish I was wasn't so shy in front of the camera. I feel like it makes my videos boring. A lot of popular Youtubers are funny on camera, and I'm just so, like, monotone."

"That's okay Danny. We all start somewhere. You'll get better with practice, you'll see. A lot of people tend to compare themselves to those who are on top. I personally think people should strive to improve themselves rather than trying to be better than someone else. Don't worry about how the those other people are doing, just focus on trying to make your videos better. I'm sure you'll see improvement very soon."

"Thanks Monika. I'll keep that in mind."

She giggled. "No problem Danny. And I'll be sure to check out every new video you post. Just let me know when you do. And you also said you like writing stories?"

"Yeah I do, I usually type them on wattpad. I currently have two on there. One is a short story while the other is unfinished. But I am getting ideas on writing another one."

"That's pretty interesting. I saw wattpad on Keith's computer, but I didn't see any of your stories."

"Yeah, I went on there once, but I didn't log in. I decided I wasn't ready to show them yet."

"Ah, that's okay. And you say your working on another one?"


"What's it gonna be about?"

It was gonna be about our time together, but I decided I'd surprise her with it.

"I'll read it to you when it's done. I'm sure you'll like it."

She smiled. "Alright."

She moved in closer and rested her head on my shoulder. I set an alarm on my phone for eleven o'clock so that I could know when I had to go back home. I then put my phone on the nightstand and lied my head next to hers. I couldn't help but notice that her hair had a wonderful coconut aroma. She seemed to be falling asleep. I allowed myself to do the same.

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