A Little Bit of Maegan

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After what seemed like a couple of minutes, my phone alarm rang. Monika was woken up by it as well. I got up and rubbed my eyes.

"Hey Monika, I'm gonna need to go soon. You're gonna stay at Keith's apartment. I'll be back later on today to come see you again."

"Alright, Danny. Be back soon!"

She turned her head and went back to sleep. I grabbed my stuff and headed to Keith's room upstairs. He was watching Family Guy.

"Hey Keith, could you take me home," I asked.

"Yeah, of course."

He got his keys from his desk and we both went downstairs.

"Oh, and Monika's asleep in your dads room right now, so just try not to make so much noise if you go into the bathroom or kitchen or something."

"Don't worry, I'll be careful."

We went outside and got into Keith's truck.

"Oh and, I'm sorry to ask you for so much, but when we hang out later, can we also pick up my friend, Maegan? I want her to go shopping with Monika to help her find some things that she may need. Like personal things and the like."

"It's alright, I don't mind. But don't forget, Odin's coming too."

I suddenly realized that Odin didn't know that Monika existed yet.

"Oh right, that's true. What do you think he's gonna do when he sees Monika?"

"I doubt he even remembers her. Just say that she's a friend from school or something."

"You're probably right."

We soon got to my house. I got out of Keith's truck.

"Thanks for the ride Keith. I'll call you later on today."

"Alright, I'll see you later, Danny"

He drove away and I quietly went inside my house. It was silent, so I knew everyone was asleep. I went to my room and put on Netflix at a very low volume. Loud enough for me to hear it, but soft enough so that it wouldn't disturb my families sleep. I texted Maegan afterwards. She replied about two minutes later.

"Hey Danny, what's up?"

"I need to talk to you real quick, can I call you?"


I was a little worried about explaining the situation to Maegan. I've told her almost everything about me, including the things that would seem unbelievable to most people. She knows I had no need to lie to her, and I'd always stay true to that. But this... well, this would definitely sound like a lie. Even though she was my best friend, how could she believe that a game character came out of my friends computer? Nonetheless, I had to give it a shot.

Oh and did I mention that she was my crush?


Shoot, my thoughts prevented me from calling.

"Sorry, I needed to do something real quick. Let me call you."

I called her and she immediately picked up.


"Hey Maegan, what's up?"

"Hey Danny. Not much, I'm just watching TV. What about you?"

"Ah, I'm just watching Netflix."

I started to feel nervous.

"Ah that's cool."

"Yeah. Well, uh, Maegan. I needed to call you to talk about something."


"Well like, okay. This is gonna sound completely ridiculous. But, uh, okay. I'm gonna tell you now. Alright, I'm gonna tell you. Well like, have you heard of the game Doki Doki Literature Club?"

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