Sunday Morning

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I woke up at around nine. Well that's what the clock said, at least. I didn't have an alarm set and I wasn't woken up. My body just decided to get up. Monika was still asleep, so I gave her a kiss on the cheek and just let her continue her slumber.

I went to the kitchen and made myself a peanut butter sandwich. I sat at the table and ate while I thought about some things.

What happened last night? Or should I say yesterday? What time was it again? Where's my phone?

No no, but on to the real questions. What happened to me? Is that really how I deal with a loss? Or with getting something back? What could have happened? I've never felt that way before.

You know, I wonder what it'd be like to run tests on someone just like me. Maybe I hide some sort of crazy personality or alter ego? Eh, who knows.

I stopped thinking and continued to eat. Of course, with it being a sandwich, finishing it didn't take too long. I grabbed a glass and some juice from the fridge. As I was pouring the juice, I heard Keith's door open from upstairs. He came downstairs and greeted me.

"Hey Danny."

"Oh hey Keith, what's up?"

"Nothing much, I just got up. But like, I wanted to talk to you about some things."


"Alright well, I overheard what was going on last night, and I-"

"It's alright Keith. Everything's fixed, there's no need for a talk."

"Are you sure? Because it seemed pretty serious."

"I'm sure Keith." I took a sip of my juice.

"Okay. Well if you're sure everything's fine, then I guess it'll be alright."

"Don't worry about me so much, Keith. I got this."

"I know Danny, but we're friends. We look after each other."

"Ah well, that's true."

"Just be careful, alright? And if you ever need help, you can always tell me."

"Thanks Keith, I appreciate that."

Keith nodded and grabbed a bowl to get himself some cereal. I finished my juice and cleaned my glass as well as the plate I used for my sandwich. I then headed back to the room. Upon entering the room, I saw Monika lying in bed. My mind started to freak out again.

Why was she still sleeping? She's an early bird!

No no, calm down Danny. Why are you getting so worked up? Sleeping is such a normal thing!

I approached Monika. My heartbeat was getting faster as I did, but I controlled myself. I quietly whispered.


She didn't respond. I started freaking out, but immediately calmed down. I mean, whispering to a sleeping person would pretty much be useless. I gently moved her shoulder.


She started to move a little before letting out a small "Hmm." I let out a quiet sigh of relief and lied down next to her to give her a hug.

I was planning on falling asleep with her, but I guess my quick heartbeats caused me to wake up, making sleeping nearly impossible at the moment. I didn't want to disturb Monika, so I headed to the living room. Keith didn't have a TV there, so I just got my phone from my pocket.

Well I wanted to, but I didn't even know where my phone was.

I headed back to the room with Monika. I saw my phone charging on the nightstand. I quietly went to grab it so that I wouldn't disturb Monika. But instead of going back to the living room to use it, I went upstairs to Keith's room to get some clothes. I liked to get ready in the morning, so that I'd be ready for the rest of the day. I got my clothes and greeted Keith before heading back downstairs. I took a good shower and brushed my teeth. By the time I was done, it was 10:37.

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